Corporate Social Responsibility - Consolidated Contractors Company
CCC’s Corporate Social Responsibility Department (CSR) undertakes the role of “Corporate Citizenship” to ensure that business values and behaviour are aligned to balance between improving and developing the company’s business as well as improving the quality of life of its workforce, their families, local communities and societies at large.
CSR Newsletter - Consolidated Contractors Company
Consolidated Contractors Company (CCC) releases its new Sustainability Strategy, that maps out specific commitments across its entire business by the year 2025 and beyond. Building upon a solid foundation in […]
Strategia Zrównoważonego Rozwoju - CCC S.A.
W 2020 roku Zarząd CCC S.A. przyjął Strategię Zrównoważonego Rozwoju Grupy CCC na lata 2020-2022, która jest piątym filarem Strategii Biznesowej GO.22. Jej obszary to odpowiedzialny produkt, odpowiedzialność za środowisko naturalne, odpowiedzialność wobec pracowników i …
The Corporate Volunteering Program, which forms an integral part of CCC’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives, has had a positive impact on society. Since its inception, the program has benefited over 600,000
The CCC ECRL 2023 Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Report provides a comprehensive overview of the China Communications Construction East Coast Rail Link (CCC ECRL) Project in Malaysia.
Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship has been offering professional development options in CSR/ESG for decades. Our programs (online courses, certificate programs, and custom training) are defined by the rigorous academic standards of …
Raporty niefinansowe - CCC S.A.
2017年12月31日 · Grupa CCC S.A. - oficjalna strona jednej z największych europejskich spółek w segmencie fashion-tech. Właściciel szyldów: CCC, eobuwie.pl, MODIVO, HalfPrice.
Strategia CSR (PDF) - CCC S.A.
W 2021 roku Zarząd przyjął Strategię Zrównoważonego Rozwoju Grupy CCC na lata 2022-2025, będącą integralną częścią Strategii Biznesowej GO.25. Dowiedz się więcej Raport niefinansowy. Jesteśmy wiodącą marką omnichannel. Każdego dnia kreujemy innowacyjne rozwiązania.
The Sustainability Learning Forum - Consolidated Contractors …
Consolidated Contractors Company (CCC) is a contracting company formed in 1952 and incorporated in Lebanon. The managing office is presently located in Athens, Greece. CCC is by far the largest engineering, procurement, and construction company in the Middle East and is ranked #18 by ENR magazine among all international construction companies.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Certificate Programs ... - BC CCC
Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship offers four different ESG certificate or CSR certificate programs: Management, Leadership, Sustainability/ESG Reporting, and Practice. Learn more about what's involved and who these programs are designed for.