China Compulsory Certificate - Wikipedia
The China Compulsory Certificate mark, commonly known as a CCC Mark, is a compulsory safety mark for many products imported, sold or used in the Chinese market. It was implemented on May 1, 2002, and became fully effective on August 1, 2003.
What is CCC - MPR China Certification
In the field of product certifications, the abbreviation CCC stands for China Compulsory Certificate. Certain product groups must have a CCC certificate before they can be exported to China. It is a mandatory certification in China.
NIELIT : eCertificate
Note : 1) Use Adobe Reader to download the Certificate. 2) Use Internet Explorer to download the Certificate. 3) Steps to Validate Digital Signature. *Please enter Registration no in case of NSQF courses except CCC course. ** Procedure for Downloading CCC Certificate to M1-R5/M1-R5.1/A1-R5/A1-R5.1 qualifiers. Select....
The abbreviation of China Compulsory Product Certification is CCC or 3C. It is the statutory compulsory safety certification system and the basic approach to safeguard the consumers' rights and interests and protect the personal and property safety, which is adopted widely by international organizations.
CE、FCC、ROSH、CCC、UL认证分别是什么意思? - 百度知道
国家安全认证(ccee)、进口安全质量许可制度(ccib)、中国电磁兼容认证(emc)三合一的“ccc”权威认证, 是 中国质检 总局和国家认监委与国际接轨的一个先进标志,有着不可替代的重要性。
Course on Computer Concepts (CCC) | Government of India : …
Introduction: This course is designed to aim at imparting a basic level IT Literacy programme for the common man. This programme has essentially been conceived with an idea of giving an opportunity to the common man to attain computer literacy thereby contributing to increased and speedy PC penetration in different walks of life.
外贸知识 | 必须知道的13种认证:CE、RoHS、UL、CCC、GS …
CCC 全称 China Compulsory Certification,是中国入世承诺和体现国民待遇的原则,国家对 22 大类 149 种产品使用强制性产品认证。 新的国家强制性认证标志名称为“中国强制认证”。
China CCC certification One stop---CCC Mark Regulation …
What is the CCC Certificate or CCC Mark? CCC means " China Compulsory Certificate ", or is abbreviated as "3C".
CCC认证 - china-ccc.org
ccc认证是一种法定的强制性安全认证制度,也是国际上广泛采用的保护消费者权益、维护消费者人身财产安全的基本做法。 列入《实施强制性产品认证的产品目录》中的产品包括家用电器、汽车、安全玻璃、医疗器械、电线电缆、玩具等产品认证工作。
CCC | Government of India : National Institute of Electronics ...
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