Home - Centers of Excellence for Labor Market Research
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About Us - Centers of Excellence for Labor Market Research
COE produces in-depth research that supports community college program development OUR MISSION We’re the leading source of regional workforce information and insight for California Community Colleges.
Resources - Centers of Excellence for Labor Market Research
The COE have developed a suite of data tools to support community college decision-making with labor market data. Utilize these data tools to evaluate projected occupational demand and the supply of graduates from a program(s) of study.
Our Research - Centers of Excellence for Labor Market Research
The Orange County Center of Excellence (OC COE) recently released its 2024 Sector Profile on Education and Human Development, offering a comprehensive analysis of this essential field.
Regions - Centers of Excellence for Labor Market Research
Explore COE’s nine regions Our products and services offer a competitive advantage in creating new and relevant programs and curriculum, pursuing grants, and accessing data. Bay Area
Community College Supply Exhibit 9 shows the annual and three-year average number of awards conferred by community colleges in programs that have historically trained for electricians. The colleges with the most completions in the region are LA …
San Diego/Imperial - Centers of Excellence for Labor Market …
Last year, the San Diego & Imperial Center of Excellence (COE) found that the state needed to pick up the pace to meet its goal of registering 500,000 apprentices by 2029. In response, our 2024 report provided four recommendations on how to expand apprenticeship programs in San Diego & Imperial Counties.
Residential Electrician - Centers of Excellence for Labor Market …
Description A regional labor market analysis of occupations related to residential electricians. Share
The San Diego & Imperial Center of Excellence (COE) developed this brief to assist the region’s community colleges with strategic planning and program development. Construction Occupations include “Construction Managers” and “First-Line Supervisors of Construction Trades and Extraction Workers.” According to
Building Information Modeling and Manufacturing Design
Description This February 2025 analysis of the Bay Area labor market for building information modeling and manufacturing design occupations evaluates occupational demand, job postings, and educational supply to determine if demand is being met.