Direct Electron Detectors(Methods in Enzymology, Volume 579)
在电子显微镜 (EM) 中最重要的两种技术是电荷耦合器件 (CCD, charge-coupled devices) 和采用标准互补金属氧化物半导体 (CMOS, complementary metal oxide semiconductor) 技术制造的单片有源像素传感器 (MAPS, monolithic active pixel sensors)。贝尔实验室的博伊尔(Boyle)和史密斯(Smith)因在 1969 ...
Detectors for transmission electron microscopy - Wikipedia
Charge coupled device (CCD) cameras were first applied to transmission electron microscopy in the 1980s and later became widespread. [3][4] For use in a TEM, CCDs are typically coupled with a scintillator such as single crystal Yttrium aluminium garnet (YAG) in which electrons from the electron beam are converted to photons, which are then trans...
冷冻电镜里用到的直接电子探测器是什么工作原理? - 知乎
科学家开发了一种基于人工智能的快速准确颗粒挑选方法DeepETPicker,该方法仅需要少量人工标注颗粒进行训练即可实现快速准确三维颗粒自动挑选。 DeepETPicker优选简化标签来替代真实标签,并采用了更高效的模型架构、更丰富的数据增强技术和重叠分区策略来提升小训练集时模型的性能;为了提高颗粒定位的速度,DeepETPicker采用GPU加速的平均池化-非极大值抑制后处理操作,与现有的聚类后处理方法相比提升挑选速度数十倍。
Evaluating direct detection detectors for short-range order ...
2023年7月1日 · We evaluate the performance of a monolithic active pixel sensor direct electron detector (DED) for the characterization of short-range order (SRO) in nanoscale volumes of amorphous materials, using SiO and Ta O thin films as test cases.
The performance evaluation of direct detection electron energy …
We demonstrate that the K2 detector can achieve an overall better performance at 200 kV than a charge coupled device (CCD) detector. At 80 kV, the K2 DeD is still better than a CCD, except for the relative broad tails of the zero-loss peak. The signal-to-noise ratio is very close for DeD and CCD under 80 kV.
激光定向能量沉积的实时监控和质量保证:集成同轴成像和自监督 …
2023年12月21日 · 通过在过程区域内使用同轴安装的电荷耦合器件 (ccd) 相机训练和评估深度学习 (dl) 算法,过程区域图像的下采样表示可有效地与用于 l-ded 过程监控的传统分类器一起使用。
Benefits of direct electron detection and PCA for EELS …
2021年1月1日 · We compare data acquired on a post-column energy filter with a direct electron detection camera to data from a conventional CCD camera on the same filter and we investigate the impact of statistical data processing methods (principal components analysis, PCA) on acquired spectra and elemental maps extracted from spectrum images.
2023年6月15日 · • What is a Direct Electron Detector (DED)? • Overview of DEDs in EPIC-TEM Facility • Advantages for (S)TEM Applications Overview
Development of multi-defect diagnosis algorithm for the
2022年12月26日 · First, the DED process monitoring testbed using non-contact sensors, such as a CCD camera and a pyrometer, is built to collect the melt-pool’s shape and temperature data. Second, the cross-sectional image pre-processing technique for quantifying melting balls and pore defects and the melt-pool image pre-processing technique are developed.
Evaluating direct detection detectors for short-range order ...
2023年7月1日 · In comparison to traditional indirect electron detectors such as Charged-Coupled Devices (CCD), DEDs show an improved modulation transfer function (MTF) and detective quantum efficiency (DQE) across all spatial frequencies, as well as faster frame rates which enable single electron counting.