Charge-coupled device - Wikipedia
A charge-coupled device (CCD) is an integrated circuit containing an array of linked, or coupled, capacitors. Under the control of an external circuit, each capacitor can transfer its electric charge to a neighboring capacitor. CCD sensors are a major technology used in digital imaging.
治具设计|治具加工|治具制作|赐宏测试治具(东莞)有限公司--产 …
功能治具(function fixture) ATE治具(ate fixture) 五金治具hd fixture. 气动治具. 数码相机测试治具. DVD、CD机测试治具. 组装治具. 工装夹具. 过锡炉治具(套板)(pcb solder pallet fixture ) 合成石过炉治具(托盘) BGA测试治具. CCD测试治具ccd fixture. BGA测试治具相关资料
Fixture | Schmoll Maschinen GmbH
Increase your registration accuracy by equipping your machine with Schmoll's CCD camera technology. In combination with Schmoll's XY-table technology, specific alignment corrections can be applied to every panel on each station.
FS-USB32G2nC-CCD USB 3.2 Gen2 Captive Cable Device Fixture
2024年11月3日 · The USB-IF Electrical Compliance Test Specification Enhanced SuperSpeed Universal Serial Bus defines how to measure the USB3.2 Gen2 electrical characteristics. Within these measurements it is important to use USB-IF approved Test Fixtures. The Captive Cable Device Fixture is part of the USB3.2 Gen2 Fixture Bundle.
ict在线测试仪-德律系列;捷智系列 - zhijv.com
JET-300在線測試機 (IN CIRCUIT TESTER)是經由量測電路板上所有零件,包括電阻、... 捷智ict在线测试仪JET-300I简介為了滿足電子同業對自動化日益殷切的需求,捷智科技乃發展出IN... 之要求,所推出之全系列产品之... TR-518FE是德律科技继成功推出TR-518F之后,运用更先进之零组件及软件技术所开发之新一代机... ATPG自动数字测... 所推出之智能型In-L...
一种新型CCD相机可旋转夹具制造技术 - 技高网
本实用新型专利技术是一种用于固定CCD相机的夹具,该装置主要由由M4长内六角螺栓、两块相机夹块、CCD相机底座、连接块、两个连杆、若干六个M8手拧螺丝、夹具底座组成。 该夹具的两个夹块能够在弧形槽内根据不同CCD相机的型号进行位置的调整,利用夹具的杆结构,可以改变CCD相机在空间的高度,CCD相机底座和连接块之间的圆柱销连接方式能够对CCD相机进行旋转,夹具的制造成本较低,结构简单,使用简单,容易组装和进行零件更换,装夹效果好,不易 …
Preliminary ANSYS Results: CCD Fixture and Lens Frame
2014年7月21日 · CCD Simulation Conclusions • Aluminum performs the worst in terms of stress and deformation • Invar and SiC have similar mechanical performance, however SiC has better thermal conduction and hence is better suited for cooling.
Rotary Scales Alignment - Optical Encoder Support Papers
This document will cover two different methods of aligning rotary gratings; optically centering the grating pattern track using a CCD camera and using two sensors to “electrically” center the grating.
CCD positioning laser marker - Laser Welder Laser Marker
CCD visual positioning laser marking machine aims to solve the problem of feeding difficulty, poor positioning and slow speed caused by irregular batch and difficult design and manufacturing of marking fixture. It uses an external camera to capture feature points in real time to solve the problem of CCD camera marking.
SMT治具|PCB测试夹具|FPC测试治具-赐宏测试治具(东莞)有限公 …
功能治具(function fixture) ATE治具(ate fixture) 五金治具hd fixture: 气动治具: 数码相机测试治具: DVD、CD机测试治具: 组装治具: 工装夹具: 过锡炉治具(套板)(pcb solder pallet fixture ) 合成石过炉治具(托盘) BGA测试治具: CCD测试治具ccd fixture: BGA测试治具相关资料