Carbon tetrachloride - Wikipedia
Carbon tetrachloride, also known by many other names (such as carbon tet for short and tetrachloromethane, also recognised by the IUPAC), is a chemical compound with the chemical formula CCl 4. It is a non-flammable, dense, colourless liquid with a "sweet" chloroform -like odour that can be detected at low levels.
四氯化碳(carbon tetrachloride,可缩写为CTC), 化学式 为CCl4,是甲烷的四个 氢原子 都被 氯 原子取代而成的全 卤代烃 (有机化合物),故又名 四氯甲烷,为无色透明、有臭味/芳香气味、易挥发的液体,微溶于水,易溶于 醇 、 醚 、 石油醚 、 氯仿 等 有机溶剂,被广泛用作 有机溶剂 、 制冷剂 、有机合成原料、 干洗剂 等 [103-104]。 该物质可经吸入、经皮肤和经食入被吸收到体内,短期接触会刺激眼睛,可能对 肝脏 、 肾脏 和 中枢神经 系统造成影响,可能导致意识不 …
四氯化碳 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
四氯化碳(化學式:CCl 4 ),也稱四氯甲烷或氯烷,常態下為無色液體。 過去常用作 滅火器 中的滅火有機物質,也曾經是常用的 冷卻劑 。 可与 醇 、 醚 、 石油醚 、 石脑油 、 冰醋酸 、 二硫化碳 、 氯代烃 混溶。
Carbon Tetrachloride | CCl4 | CID 5943 - PubChem
Carbon Tetrachloride | CCl4 | CID 5943 - structure, chemical names, physical and chemical properties, classification, patents, literature, biological activities, safety/hazards/toxicity information, supplier lists, and more.
趋化因子 CCL4 (MIP-1 beta/CCL4) | 重组蛋白 | MCE
CCL4, also known as macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP-1β), belongs to the CC chemokine family and is a protein encoded in humans by the CCL4 gene, which belongs to the 17q11-q21 region of chromosome 17 and has a molecular weight of approximately 8-10 kDa.
CCl 4 emissions in eastern China during 2021–2022 and ... - Nature
2024年2月26日 · This study reports substantial emissions of CCl 4 in eastern China after the dispersive use of CCl 4 was phased out in 2010, and the government intensified CCl 4 regulations from 2019 to 2022.
Contaminant Candidate List 4 - CCL 4 | US EPA
2024年11月27日 · The CCL 4 includes 97 chemicals or chemical groups and 12 microbial contaminants. The list includes, among others, chemicals used in commerce, pesticides, biological toxins, disinfection byproducts, pharmaceuticals and waterborne pathogens.
Carbon Tetrachloride Toxicity: What Are the Toxicological Effects …
Describe the toxicological effects associated with carbon tetrachloride (CCl 4) exposure. The primary effects of CCl 4 in humans are on the central nervous system (CNS), liver, and kidneys. Symptoms of acute inhalation or ingestion of CCl 4 include. Vomiting.
Carbon Tetrachloride Toxicity: What Is Carbon Tetrachloride ...
CCl 4 is a clear, nonflammable, heavy liquid that evaporates readily, producing a sweet characteristic odor similar to chloroform. CCl 4 is classified as a volatile organic compound (VOC). Although CCl 4 does not occur naturally, it is ubiquitous as a result of industrial uses.
CCL 4 Chemical Contaminants - US EPA
2024年10月3日 · Solvent for cellulose formulations, resins, oils, waxes and other organic substances. It is also used in wood pulping, textile processing, degreasing, in lacquers, paints, varnishes, and stains; and in paint and varnish removers. Estrogenic hormone found in some pharmaceuticals. Solvent used in production of other chemicals.