什么是趋化因子配体5 (CCL5)? - 知乎
2021年6月9日 · CCL5与T细胞释放的细胞因子(如IL-2、IFN)协同作用,还能诱导NK细胞活化和增殖,生成趋化因子激活的NK细胞。 CD8+ T细胞和其他免疫细胞表达的CCL5可抑制HIV进入靶细胞。 CCL5的受体主要是CCR5,其它受体还有CCR1和CCR3,CCR4和CD44是其辅助受体。 CCL5与受体结合发挥多种生物学功能,如对多种细胞的趋化作用,介导淋巴细胞的迁移和归巢,调节炎症反应,调节细胞生长和分化,抑制HIV的感染,对组织的损伤、感染和肿瘤免疫起 …
CCL5-armed oncolytic virus augments CCR5-engineered NK cell ... - PubMed
Enhancing chemokine receptors on immune cells to match and be driven to tumor-specific chemokines may improve the therapeutic efficacy of NK cells. Methods: The CCR5-CCL5 axis is critical in NK cell homing to tumor sites. Thus, we analyzed CCR5 expression on NK cells from patients with cancer and healthy donors.
Effect of CCL5 expression in the recruitment of immune cells in …
2018年3月20日 · CIBERSORT analysis suggested that a high CCL5 expression was associated with recruitment of CD8 T cells, CD4 activated T cells, NK activated cells and macrophages M1.
Role of chemokines in the biology of natural killer cells
Chemokines secreted by NK cells may recruit other effector cells during immune responses. Furthermore, CCL3, CCL4, and CCL5 produced by NK cells can inhibit in vitro replication of HIV. CCL3 and CXL10 expression appear to be required for protective NK cell responses in vivo to murine cytomegalovirus or Leishmania major, respectively.
Rapid functional impairment of natural killer cells following tumor ...
2024年1月24日 · Analysis of NK cells at 24 h post-photoconversion revealed that production of CCL5 was restricted to KG+ CD11b+ CD49a- NK cells, confirming the rapid loss of CCL5 expression after tumor...
Comprehensive analysis of the potential biological significance of CCL5 …
2024年9月27日 · We found that CCL5 is strongly expressed in CD8 + T cells and NK cells. the close association between CCL5 and immune checkpoints suggests that CCL5 has considerable research potential in...
Targeting autophagy inhibits melanoma growth by enhancing NK …
2017年10月31日 · Clinically, a positive correlation between CCL5 and NK cell marker NKp46 expression was found in melanoma patients, and a high expression level of CCL5 was correlated with a significant improvement of melanoma patients' survival.
JNK MAPK Pathway Regulates Constitutive Transcription of CCL5 …
2009年1月15日 · Collectively, our data establish that constitutive CCL5 expression in NK cells is dependent on JNK2 signaling that controls expression of SP1, which in turn regulates transcription of CCL5. The results suggest that a common JNK signaling pathway differentially regulates cytolytic granule release as well as constitutive CCL5 expression.
NK cell-triggered CCL5/IFNγ-CXCL9/10 axis underlies the clinical ...
2024年1月3日 · This study shows that Natural Killer cells that infiltrate the tumor (TI-NK) produce CCL5 and IFN-ɣ upon activation, triggering the development of an effective anti-tumor immune response along anti-HER2 antibody-based neoadjuvant treatment.
Targeting CCL5 in inflammation - PMC - PubMed Central (PMC)
Several cell types activated by CCL5 are directly involved in antiviral response, including NK cells, T CD4 + lymphocytes, monocytes, mast cells and dendritic cells . Separately, and certainly a hallmark on the studies of chemokines in viral infections, is the discovery that CCL5 and other chemokines were natural inhibitors of human ...