005793 - CCR6 KO Strain Details - The Jackson Laboratory
005793 B6.129P2- Ccr6 tm1Dgen /J No significant phenotypic differences are detected in homozygous mutant animals when compared with age- and gender-matched wild-type control mice for this targeted mutant knock-out.
CCL20/CCR6 chemokine signaling is not essential for
2023年1月22日 · In this study, we generated CCL20-KO and CCR6-KO mice with a C57BL/6 genetic background using the CRISPR/Cas9 system, examining the pathological scores and body weight loss of the mutant and wild-type mice, and using histopathological staining to investigate inflammatory cell infiltration and demyelination in the CNS.
CCR6 Regulates the Migration of Inflammatory and Regulatory T …
To assess the CCR6 effect in inflammatory tissue, CCR6 KO and control C57BL/6 mice were immunized with MOG peptide with CFA to induce EAE. CCR6 KO mice exhibited significantly reduced EAE disease compared with C57BL/6 mice in the early phase of EAE.
CCR6 is required for epidermal trafficking of γδ-T cells in an IL …
We use CCR6-deficient (knockout, KO) and wild-type (WT) mice to analyze skin trafficking patterns of GDL T cells and function-blocking mAbs to determine the role of CCR6 in IL-23-mediated dermatitis. Herein, CCL20 was highly upregulated in IL-23-injected WT mouse ear skin as early as 24 hours after initial treatment, and large numbers of CCR6 ...
GM-CSF-producing CCR2+ CCR6+ Th17 cells are pathogenic in …
We generated C-C motif chemokine receptor 2 (CCR2) knockout (KO) and CCR6 KO mice in the syngeneic background using the CRISPR/Cas9 system and found that the phenotypes of experimental colitis worsened in both mutant mice.
CCR6:“专一性”趋化因子受体,炎症性和消化系统肿瘤药物研究的 …
2024年3月12日 · CCR6是一种 G蛋白偶联趋化因子受体,与CCL20紧密结合形成一对具有高度亲和力和“专一性”的趋化因子受配体。 大量研究表明,CCR6与多种炎症性疾病相关,并且在多种消化系统肿瘤的发生与发展中发挥重要作用。 CCR6作为一种独特的趋化因子受体,有望为未来的靶向药物研发提供新的策略。 今天,让我们深入了解这个“专一性”趋化因子受体CCR6! 1. 什么是趋化因子家族? 2. 什么是CCR6? 3. 什么是CCR6的配体? 4. CCR6相关的信号调控机制. 5. …
Ccr6-KO - 南模生物
敲除Ccr6基因的exon 3 区域,获得Ccr6基因敲除小鼠模型。 应用领域 :免疫相关 *使用本品系发表的文献需注明: Ccr6-KO mice (Cat. NO. NM-KO-190022) were purchased from Shanghai Model Organisms Center, Inc..
The CCR6–CCL20 axis promotes regulatory T cell glycolysis and ...
2024年7月16日 · Data accompanying the manuscript "The CCR6–CCL20 axis promotes regulatory T cell glycolysis and immunosuppression in tumors"-- includes RNA-Seq of sorted murine Tregs from WT and Ccr6 KO mice. The experiment was designed to compare transcriptomic differences between WT and Ccr6 KO Tregs during activation.
阻断CCR-CCL20改善前列腺癌骨转移免疫抑制微环境 - 网易
2021年12月6日 · 作者发现ccr6-ko小鼠可以提高骨转移小鼠的生存率。 CCL20阻断抗体作用于小鼠模型也能够达到一致的效果。 分析骨转移部位细胞发现,CCR6-KO小鼠中激活的Treg细胞以及耗竭CTL数量减少,幼稚CTL增加,骨髓腔中TAM细胞数明显减少,骨转移部位的免疫抑制微环境得 …
C-C chemokine receptor 6–regulated entry of T - Nature
2009年3月22日 · Here we found that mice lacking CCR6, a chemokine receptor characteristic of TH-17 cells, developed TH-17 responses but were highly resistant to the induction of experimental autoimmune ...