Coronary CT angiography versus intravascular ultrasound for …
Compared with IVUS, coronary CTA appears to be highly accurate for estimation of luminal area, percentage of area stenosis, plaque volume, and plaque area and for detection of plaque. The use of automated vessel and stenosis measurements appears promising in limited studies to date.
Early Detection and Treatment of the Vulnerable Coronary Plaque:
2017年5月8日 · Plaque quantification and characterization by automated software has been proposed to increase prognostic value of CCTA in recent years, and studies have shown good correlation with VH-IVUS quantitative measures. 101,103 Furthermore, coronary plaques labeled lipid-rich and positive remodeled by automated software are reported to be more ...
Computed tomography versus near-infrared spectroscopy for the ...
2024年12月2日 · The primary endpoint of the study was the efficacy of CCTA in detecting lipid-rich plaques identified by NIRS-IVUS. Secondary endpoints included the performance of CCTA in evaluating coronary artery pathology in the studied segments and its value in stent sizing, using NIRS-IVUS as the reference standard.
冠状动脉CT血管成像在易损斑块诊断中的价值 - 中华放射学杂志
以血管内超声(IVUS)结果为金标准,探讨冠状动脉CT血管成像(CCTA)在易损斑块诊断中的价值。 回顾性分析2017年12月至2022年3月于阜外华中心血管病医院同时行IVUS和CCTA检查的冠心病患者临床和影像资料。 根据IVUS结果将冠状动脉斑块分为易损和非易损斑块组,最终纳入43例患者共88个冠状动脉斑块,其中26个为易损斑块。 对CCTA图像进行斑块分析,其中定性参数包括低密度斑块、“餐巾环”征(NRS)、点状钙化及正性重构,定量参数包括最小管腔面 …
冠脉CTA斑块分析(共识) - 360doc
与组织病理学和IVUS相比,CCTA可以准确评价ACS患者的高危斑块特征,对指导冠心病患者的临床管理有重要意义。 CCTA上斑块的负荷也与心血管不良预后相关。 然而在临床实践中,CCTA报告大多还停留在描述管腔狭窄以及斑块粗略分类上,对斑块分析和评估还缺乏一致性的认识。 在此背景下,我们在复习大量文献的基础上,结合我国心血管CT影像学的临床实践,经反复讨论达成共识。 根据欧洲心脏病学会指南推荐等级及证据水平标准,推荐等级:Ⅰ,推荐;Ⅱ a,应该考 …
A head-to-head comparison between CT- and IVUS-derived
2017年1月25日 · The BA analysis (CCTA–IVUS) shows that all variables have significant (p ⪡ 0.01) correlation with moderate to high values of the Spearman׳s correlation coefficient (ρ). The bias and limits of agreement (LA) of BA analysis were normalized by the average between CCTA and IVUS means.
Standards for quantitative assessments by coronary computed …
2023年3月31日 · CCTA has been recognized as a promising noninvasive tool to monitor CAD progression and assess the effects of medical therapy or mechanical interventions in clinical trials. Specific and clear definitions and as well as standardization of methodology are essential for CCTA to mature as an accurate and reproducible endpoint in clinical research.
混合CCTA/IVUS:打破冠状动脉成像的传统界限,European Heart …
2012年1月26日 · 1,2 大量研究证明冠状动脉计算机断层扫描血管造影 (CCTA) 在检测冠状动脉狭窄方面具有很高的诊断准确性(这一发现具有很强的临床意义) )。 然而,与侵入性血管造影不同的是,CCTA 可以提供血管壁的非侵入性可视化,包括有关斑块大小、范围、组成和动脉重塑的信息。 几项研究表明,除了冠状动脉狭窄,非阻塞性 斑块的存在与心血管事件风险增加有关。 3 最近的跨国、多民族 CONFIRM 登记证实了这些发现,其中包括 >23 000 名存在非阻塞性冠状 …
452 Quantitative Assessment Of AI-based CCTA Plaque Volume …
A team blinded to IVUS used an AI-based CCTA prototype to measure plaque volumes as defined by IVUS. Simple linear regression was used to compare CCTA and IVUS plaque volumes. Results: CCTA-derived vessel, lumen, and plaque volumes were highly correlated with IVUS.
Primary Results Of The REVEALPLAQUE Study: A Prospective …
Conclusions: AI-derived CCTA plaque volumes are highly correlated with IVUS. These findings suggest that CCTA may be a reasonable noninvasive alternative to invasive angiography and IVUS for assessment of plaque burden.