CD23 - Wikipedia
CD23, also known as Fc epsilon RII, or FcεRII, is the "low-affinity" receptor for IgE, an antibody isotype involved in allergy and resistance to parasites, and is important in regulation of IgE …
Structure and functions of CD23 - PubMed
This review summarizes recent data on CD23, a low affinity receptor for IgE (Fc epsilon RII). CD23 is the only FcR which does not belong to the immunoglobulin gene superfamily. The …
006 CD23与B细胞分化 - 国际免疫学杂志 - Yiigle.com
CD23分子是C型血凝素家族类的IgEFc受体。 它选择性地表达于成熟B细胞表面,是B细胞分化过程中表达最短暂的分子之一。 本文在简要介绍CD23分子的基础上,综述了B淋巴细胞分化研 …
CD23 - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
CD23 is the low-affinity receptor for IgE and is expressed on platelets, eosinophils, activated macrophages, follicular dendritic cells, and mature B cells. Though this antigen may be …
CD23/FcεRII: molecular multi-tasking - PubMed
CD23 is the low-affinity receptor for immunoglobulin (Ig)E and plays important roles in the regulation of IgE responses. CD23 can be cleaved from cell surfaces to yield a range of …
The Role of CD23 in IgE Dependent Signaling: Implications from ...
The association of immunoglobulin E (IgE) with allergic diseases and asthma is well established. IgE binds to two receptors on various immune and inflammatory cells. The lower-affinity IgE Fc …
人 CD 抗原完全指南 - Abcam中文官网
目前,人类 CD 抗原编号现已达到 CD363。 在该命名系统中,特定细胞群表面的特异性抗原存在与否分别用“+”(是)或“-"(否)标注,并用 hi(高)或 low(低)标记细胞表达水平。 例 …
过敏反应调节受体CD23 - mabnus.cn
2024年3月21日 · CD23是一种种低亲和力IgE受体,在调节IgE产生和B细胞分化中具有重要作用。 在B细胞上中,启动IgE依赖性抗原摄取并呈递给T细胞。 在巨噬细胞中,IgE 结合和抗原交联 …
CD23及其功能 - 百度学术
CD_ (23)是人类B 淋巴细胞表面的一种分化抗原,是一种分子量为45KD 的蛋白质.最初证明是B 淋巴细胞上低亲和力的IgE Fc受体 (FcεR).最近有人研究发现它与T 淋巴细胞来源的低分子量的B …
CD23 can negatively regulate B-cell receptor signaling
2016年5月16日 · These data suggest that CD23 can negatively regulate the activation and differentiation of both mIgE and mIgG expressing B cells into plasma cells, either by CD23 …