Cluster of differentiation - Wikipedia
The cluster of differentiation (also known as cluster of designation or classification determinant and often abbreviated as CD) is a protocol used for the identification and investigation of cell …
Cluster of Differentiation (CD Markers) | Flow Cytometry
The cluster of differentiation (CD) is a protocol used for the identification and investigation of cell surface molecules present on leukocytes. CD molecules can act in numerous ways, often …
一文搞清用于各类细胞鉴定的CD分子(附CD1-CD371分子功能 …
CD分子,又称分化簇(Cluster of Differentiation)或分化群,也叫白细胞分化抗原,是不同谱系的白细胞在正常分化成熟的不同阶段及活化过程中,出现或消失的细胞表面标记。
淋巴细胞—分化簇(cluster of differentiation, CD) - 知乎专栏
2021年2月21日 · 分化簇(cluster of differentiation, CD)专指白细胞膜上的抗原或抗原识别的抗体,又称为白细胞分化抗原。 多是细胞膜上的穿膜蛋白或糖蛋白 目前“CD”不仅代表白细胞表面 …
白细胞分化抗原 - 百度百科
CD(Cluster of Differentiation):分化簇或分化群,也叫白细胞分化抗原, 指的是不同谱系的白细胞在正常分化成熟的不同阶段及活化过程中,出现或消失的细胞表面标记。
常说的CD3,CD4,CD8,CD19,CD34,CD45 是什么? - 知乎专栏
CD分子(cluster of differentiation)应用以 单克隆抗体 (McAb)鉴定为主的聚类分析方法,将来自不同实验室的单克隆抗体所识别的同一分化抗原、其编码基因及其分子表达的细胞种类均鉴 …
CD Markers in Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment - Verywell Health
2023年7月7日 · CD markers, also known as CD antigens, are specific types of molecules found on the surface of cells that help differentiate one cell type from another. In fact, the initials …
分化群 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
分化群 [1] [2] (cluster of differentiation,CD)又称分化簇 [3] 、分化抗原 [4] 、CD抗原 [5] ,是一用於细胞表面分子的鉴定和调查的协议(protocol)或公约,该议定提供细胞 免疫表型 ( 英 …
CD Markers - Ask Hematologist | Understand Hematology
2018年7月30日 · The popular CD markers are CD138, which is expressed on multiple myeloma cells; CD33 expressed on cells of myeloid lineage; and CD52, which is expressed at high …
Hematopoietic cell surface markers - MyHematology
CD markers, short for cluster of differentiation, are a system used to classify and identify specific molecules found on the surface of leukocytes, also known as white blood cells. Each CD …