1959年美国Charles River Lab引入该品系并于同年进行了剖腹产,并命名CD-1(ICR),并注册CD-1®商标。 (1)KM:优点是抗病力和适应力很强,繁殖率和成活率高。 KM小鼠基因库大,基因杂合率高,在中国昆明小鼠作为实验动物用于生物医学研究已有半个多世纪之久,一直是我国生产量、使用量最大的远交群(封闭群)小鼠,被广泛应用药理学、毒理学等领域的研究,以及药品、生物制品的生产与检定,药典中甚至将KM小鼠作为某些检测项目的指定用动物。 目前国内 …
Characterization of a strain-specific CD-1 reference genome …
2023年8月3日 · Knowledge of the full genetic variability of CD-1 would make it more useful in toxicology, pharmacology, and fundamental biomedical research. We performed deep genomic DNA sequencing of CD-1 mice and used the data to identify genome-wide SNPs, indels, and germline transposable elements relative to the mm10 reference genome.
CD-1® IGS Mouse | Charles River - Charles River Laboratories
Download the catalog to view our portfolio or log into our online ordering system to view pricing. The original group of Swiss mice that served as progenitors of CD-1 mice consisted of two male and seven female albino mice derived from a non-inbred stock in the laboratory of Dr. de Coulon, Centre Anticancereux Romand, Lausanne, Switzerland.
维通利华 CD-1(ICR)小鼠 IGS SPF级价格_品牌:维通利华(Vital …
2025年3月7日 · 1959年Charles River引入该品系并于同年进行了剖腹产,命名为Crl:CD1 (ICR)。 维通利华分别于1999、2008和2014年三次从Charles River引入其核心群。 已成为全世界最广泛使用的动物。 *以上规格与价格自2025年1月1日至2025年12月31日有效。 温馨提示:不可用于临床治疗。 风险提示:丁香通仅作为第三方平台,为商家信息发布提供平台空间。 用户咨询产品时请注意保护个人信息及财产安全,合理判断,谨慎选购商品,商家和用户对交易行为负责。 对 …
Features of the CD1 gene family in rodents and the uniqueness of …
2024年7月29日 · We demonstrated that the suborders Hystricomorpha (guinea pig, naked mole-rat, and others) and Sciuromorpha (squirrel, woodchuck, and others) represent the most conservative and evolutionary old group of Rodents, which …
Mammalian CD1 and MR1 genes - PMC - National Center for …
2016年7月28日 · CD1 in humans and common research, farm, and companion animals. For nine mammalian species (human, rabbit, guinea pig, cow, pig, dog, horse, mouse, and rat), the CD1 genes have been studied extensively and, except for rabbit and guinea pig, their CD1 loci have been carefully mapped and curated.
Structural organization of rat CD1 typifies evolutionarily conserved ...
The non-major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-encoded CD1 family has recently emerged as a new antigen-presenting system that is distinct from either MHC class I or class II molecules. In the present study, we determined the genomic structure of the rat CD1 locus. It was extremely similar to mouse CD1 genes, especially to CD1D1.
CD1小鼠是什么啊 请各位学药理的解答,多谢!_百度知道
(4)CD-1:1948年Edward Mirand博士将费城癌症研究所培育的Ha/ICR引入Roswell Park Memorial Institute,命名为HaM/ICR。 1959年美国Charles River Lab引入该品系并于同年进行了 剖腹产,并命名CD-1(ICR),并注册CD-1®商标。 你对这个回答的评价是? CD1小鼠是什么啊 请各位学药理的解答,多谢! 1. 品系名称由来(1)Swiss:1926年美国Rockfeller研究所的Clara Lynch博士从瑞士(Switzerland)Centre Anticancereux Romand的de Coulon实验室引入非近 …
CD-1(ICR)小鼠介绍 - 百度文库
专业名称:Vr:CD1(ICR) 封闭群(ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baiduutbred Mice) CD-1(ICR)小鼠来源: 该品系来源于2只雄性和7只雌性白化Swiss小鼠 这些Swiss小鼠来自于瑞士Centre Anticancereux Romand的de Coulon实验室的非近交品系 1926年Rockefeller研究所的Clara Lynch博士引入了这些小鼠
Localization of rat CD1 transcripts and protein in rat tissues--an ...
In the current study, tissue distribution of rat CD1 was analysed by in situ hybridization (ISH) in conjunction with immunohistochemistry to clarify the precise localization of both transcripts and proteins. CD1 transcripts were detected by ISH in a variety of organs: spleen, thymus, liver, lung, heart, kidney, small intestine and skin.