CD14 is expressed by subsets of murine dendritic cells and ... - PubMed
The CD14 surface molecule is predominantly expressed by cells of myeloid origin and regarded as a specific marker for macrophages (M phi). Thus, in human mononuclear cell preparations, …
Human dendritic cell subsets - PMC - PubMed Central (PMC)
CD14 + DCs found in tissues and lymph nodes are a third subset of CD11c + myeloid cells originally described as ‘interstitial DCs’. They are more monocyte-like or macrophage-like than …
Human peripheral blood dendritic cells and monocyte subsets …
Three major CD33(+) subsets including CD33(bright)CD14(bright) Mo, CD33(bright)CD14(-) CD11c(+) mDC and CD33(dim)CD14(-) pDC were present. Dendritic cells subsets and Mo …
树突状细胞制备的实验方案及细胞因子的作用 - 翌圣生物
流式细胞术检测 dc特异性表面标志物, cd14、hla-dr、hla-abc、cd40、cd80、cd83 和 cd86 等分子的表达,成熟的dc不表达 cd14,而高表达其他分子。 CD83 是成熟 DC 的特异性标志,在 …
Expression of CD14, IL-10 and tolerogenic signature in dendritic …
The differential expression of CD14 and IL-10 was confirmed at the proteomic level and observed that MCP-1 and MDC protein levels correlated (directly or inversely, respectively) with the …
Human dendritic cell subsets: an update - PMC - PubMed Central …
Detailed phenotyping and single‐cell gene expression studies have recently characterized two subsets of cDC2 in human blood, one ‘DC‐like’ with higher expression of CD5, CD1c, HLA‐DQ …
CD14+单核细胞:Macrophage和DC的前体细胞 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
业已表明,一些细胞因子(如gm-csf、il-4、tnf-α等),可促进dc 的前体细胞(如骨髓中cd34+细胞和外周血中cd14+单个核细胞等)分化为dc,使dc 成熟并具有生物学功能。
2018年6月14日 · 共同树突细胞祖细胞(CDPs)在骨髓中产生pre-pDC和pre-cDC。 pre-cDCs和分化的pDC在血液中循环并不断地补充淋巴器官和外周组织DC池。 Pre-cDC在外周组织分化 …
一篇文章带您了解外周血中DC细胞 - 百家号
2022年7月11日 · 在外周血中的DC有三种:浆细胞样 DC (pDC) 和髓系 DC (mDC) 或常规 DC (cDC),根据表面标志物 CD1c(BDCA-1)和CD141(BDCA-3) 的表达可以进一步细 …
CD14—细菌脂多糖的膜受体 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
CD14(cluster of differentiation 14)原称MY23抗原,是一种表面抗原,属细胞表面糖蛋白家族成员之一。CD14基因编码的蛋白,优先表达于单核/巨噬细胞。CD14是革兰阴性菌内毒素脂多 …