CD19: a biomarker for B cell development, lymphoma diagnosis …
2012年11月29日 · The human CD19 antigen is a 95 kd transmembrane glycoprotein belonging to the immunoglobulin superfamily. CD19 is classified as a type I transmembrane protein, with a single transmembrane domain, a cytoplasmic C-terminus, and extracellular N-terminus. CD19 is a biomarker for normal and neoplastic B cells, as well as follicular dendritic cells.
免疫治疗重要靶点:CD19 - 南模生物
CD19靶点科普和研究进展 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
CD19是B细胞的生物标志物,通过 B细胞受体 (BCR)调节B细胞的发育增殖和分化并介导T细胞对靶细胞的杀伤。 CD19与 CD21 、 CD81 形成B细胞共同受体复合物,该复合物减少BCR介导的B细胞激活阈值,其中CD21起桥梁作用,CD81调节CD19的表达,CD19则发挥主要的信号传导作用。 此复合物在B细胞激活过程中解离,使得CD19能够在细胞膜中自由扩散并与BCR相互作用。 CD19与BCR和其他表面分子结合,可以直接和间接地募集和结合各种下游蛋白激酶,如 Src …
CD19 - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
CD19 is a 95-kd transmembrane glycoprotein of the immunoglobulin superfamily containing two extracellular immunoglobulin-like domains and an extensive cytoplasmic tail. It is B-lymphocyte lineage-specific surface receptor expressed from the earliest stages of pre–B-cell development onwards until differentiation into plasma cells [38] .
CD19, from bench to bedside - PubMed
As a 95-kDa member of the immunoglobulin super-family expressed exclusively on B lymphocytes, CD19 is a critical co-receptor for B cell antigen receptor (BCR) signal transduction. Co-ligation of CD19 with the BCR synergistically enhances calcium release, mitogen-activated protein kinase activity and …
(PDF) CD19: A biomarker for B cell development, lymphoma
2012年11月29日 · CD19 is a biomarker for normal and neoplastic B cells, as well as follicular dendritic cells. CD19 is critically involved in establishing intrinsic B cell signaling...
CD19 CAR antigen engagement mechanisms and affinity tuning
CAR T cells targeting CD19 were the first to achieve dramatic clinical responses in patients with relapsed/refractory B cell malignancies and to be approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
CD3-Activating Bi-Specific Antibody Targeting CD19 on B Cells in …
2018年11月29日 · The first CD3-activating bi-specific antibody targeting CD19, Blincyto, or CD19 BiTE, was approved to treat relapsed and refractory acute lymphoblastic lymphoma (r/r ALL). The relatively short half-life of Blincyto requires continuous IV infusion for weeks to maintain a steady levels of drug exposure, not to mention the high risk of developing ...
CD19 - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
CD19 is a 95 kDa molecule expressed on almost all stages of B cell development – from pro-B until the stage just before differentiation to plasma cells. CD19 belongs to immunoglobulin superfamily and is a part of multimolecular complex called B cell co-receptor [64].
选择靶向 CD19 的核酸酶抗性 RNA 适体。,Cancers - X-MOL
2021年10月18日 · 跨膜分化糖蛋白簇 19 (cd19) 是 b 细胞特异性表面标志物,在大多数肿瘤性 b 细胞上表达,最近已成为非常有吸引力的生物标志物和 b 细胞恶性肿瘤的治疗靶点。