CD226 Throttles up CD8 + T Cell Antitumor Activity - Cell Press
In this issue of Immunity, Weulersse et al. and Braun et al. explain how CD226 expression loss on CD8+ T cell impairs TCR-driven activation, and thereby anti-tumor effector responses, tantamount to taking the CD8+ T cell’s foot off the gas pedal.
CD226: a potent driver of antitumor immunity that needs to …
2021年1月8日 · CD226 expression on CD8 + T cells is downregulated in the tumor microenvironment via both an Eomes-dependent transcriptional mechanism and a CD155-mediated posttranslational mechanism, leading...
CD226: An Emerging Role in Immunologic Diseases - PMC
HIV-specific CD8 + T cells were almost exclusively TIGIT+, and HIV-specific TIGIT hi cells were negatively correlated with polyfunctionality and displayed a diminished expression of CD226 (Tauriainen et al., 2017). All these highlight the important role of TIGIT/CD226 axis in viral infections and suggest a potential new avenue for the ...
靶点说 | TIGIT|TIGIT|CD226|CD155|NK细胞|靶点|肿瘤|-健康界
2022年4月29日 · cd226是一种共刺激受体,广泛表达于免疫细胞,包括t细胞、nk细胞、单核细胞等,以及血小板。tigit以比cd226更高的亲和力结合cd155,从而限制cd226介导的激活。另外,tigit还直接在细胞上顺式结合cd226,破坏其与cd155的同源二聚体的结合能力。
尽管研究不多, CD226 是一种受TIGIT调控的共刺激受体,在抗肿瘤CD8+T细胞应答中具有多方面的功能,在小鼠肿瘤模型中,CD226在调节抗肿瘤反应中的重要性得到了证实,使用CD226中和性单克隆抗体 (mAb)可消除抗PD-L1和抗TIGIT抗体联用的效力。 此外,CD226表达减少或缺失的CD8+T细胞表现出功能障碍的特征,这些细胞存在于肿瘤中,并与肿瘤免疫治疗耐药性相关。 研究发现同时使用抗PD-1和抗TIGIT抗体可以达到很好的协同抗肿瘤效果,但是具体的分子机制还 …
CD226 identifies functional CD8+T cells in the tumor ... - PubMed
2023年3月28日 · It is well-known that CD226 serves as a critical activating receptor on various immune cells, such as lymphocytes and monocytes, and it is suggested to promote anti-tumor immunity in the tumor microenvironment (TME). Herein, we showed a crucial regulatory role of CD226 in CD8 + T cell-mediated anti-tumor response in TME of human gastric cancer ...
CD8+ CD226high T cells in liver metastases dictate the ... - Nature
2023年1月30日 · CD226 has been reported to participate in the rescue of CD8 + T cell dysfunction. In this study, we aimed to assess the prognostic value of CD226 in tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs)...
CD226 识别肿瘤微环境中的功能性 CD8+T 细胞并 ... - X-MOL
众所周知,CD226 是淋巴细胞和单核细胞等多种免疫细胞的关键激活受体,可在肿瘤微环境 (TME) 中促进抗肿瘤免疫。 在此,我们展示了 CD226 在 CD8 中的关键调节作用 + 人胃癌 (GC) TME 中 T 细胞介导的抗肿瘤反应。 具体而言,癌组织中 CD226 表达的增加与 GC 患者更好的临床结果显着相关。 此外,增加的浸润性 CD226 + CD8 + T细胞和浸润性CD226比例增加 + CD8 + CD8中的T细胞 + 癌组织内的 T 亚群也可能是 GC 患者有价值的预后预测因子。 从机械上讲,使用测 …
Eomes-Dependent Loss of the Co-activating Receptor CD226 Restrains CD8 ...
CD226 loss limits the efficacy of immune checkpoint blockade and CD137 agonists. CD8 + T cells within the tumor microenvironment (TME) are exposed to various signals that ultimately determine functional outcomes. Here, we examined the role of the co-activating receptor CD226 (DNAM-1) in CD8 + T cell function.
CD226 identifies functional CD8+T cells in the tumor …
Herein, we showed a crucial regulatory role of CD226 in CD8 + T cell-mediated anti-tumor response in TME of human gastric cancer (GC). Specifically, the increased CD226 expression in cancer tissues was significantly associated with better clinical outcomes in GC patients.