CD28 is expressed by macrophages with anti‐inflammatory …
2020年11月10日 · We have previously shown CD28 mRNA expression in M-CSF-dependent anti-inflammatory monocyte-derived macrophages (M-MØ), and now demonstrate that CD28 cell surface expression is higher in M-MØ than in GM-CSF-dependent macrophages, and that macrophage CD28 expression is regulated by MAFB and activin A.
Functional Dichotomy between NKG2D and CD28-Mediated Co …
2010年9月9日 · Both CD28 and NKG2D can function as co-stimulatory receptors in human CD8 + T cells. However, their independent functional contributions in distinct CD8 + T cell subsets are not well understood. In this study, CD8 + T cells in human peripheral blood- and lung-derived lymphocytes were analyzed for CD28 and NKG2D expression and function.
肿瘤免疫靶点 | CD28 - 知乎
CD28主要作为“第二信号” (与靶细胞表面的B7-1/ B7-2结合) 降低有效活化T细胞所需的阈值,强化激活T细胞的“第一信号” (T细胞受体(TCR)- CD3复合物对靶细胞的MHC-多肽识别和结合),使T细胞进一步发育,增殖为具有免疫功能的细胞。 同时 CD28和共抑制受体CTLA-4与其共享的配体B7-1和B7-2构成了特征最明确的调节T细胞途径,是其他共刺激和共抑制途径的范例。 基于CD28共刺激对于 T细胞活化 的重要性,因此 通过激活或阻断CD28/B7-1(CD80)/ B7 …
The CD28-Transmembrane Domain Mediates Chimeric Antigen
2021年3月22日 · The CD28-CAR heterodimers did not respond to CD80 and CD86 stimulation but had a significantly reduced CD28 cell-surface expression. These data unveiled a fundamental difference between CD28-TMD and CD8-TMD and indicated that CD28-TMD can modulate CAR T-cell activities by engaging endogenous partners.
Single CD28 stimulation induces stable and polyclonal expansion …
CD28 superagonist stimulation led to a trend towards increased Helios expression levels (MFI), a key stabilizing Treg transcription factor 29, in both naïve and memory-like Treg subsets while CD28 SA and anti-CD3/CD28 bead stimulated Treg …
CD8β/CD28 expression defines functionally distinct populations of ...
CD8 βlow CD28 – cells showed an intermediate CD8 β staining intensity (MFI 1·6·10 2) compared to CD8 βhigh CD28 + cells (MFI 6·6·10 2) and CD8 βlow CD28 – cells (MFI 1·0·10 2).
CD28 expression on CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. A) CD28 mean …
We assessed leukocytes subpopulations and their activation status by flow cyto... ... also studied the expression of T-cell co-stimulatory molecule CD28 on CD4 + and CD8 + T cells. As shown in...
Endogenous CD28 drives CAR T cell responses in multiple myeloma
2024年3月21日 · Knockout studies confirmed that endogenous CD28 expressed on BBζ CAR T cells drove in vivo anti-MM activity. Mechanistically, CD28 reprogrammed mitochondrial metabolism to maintain redox balance and CAR T cell proliferation in the MM BME.
CD28 deficiency enhances type I interferon production by murine ...
2016年2月2日 · By comparing gene expression profiles of murine pDCs and conventional (c) DCs we found that CD28, a prototypic T cell stimulatory receptor, was highly expressed in pDCs. Strikingly, CD28 acted as a negative regulator of pDC IFN-I production upon toll-like receptor stimulation but did not affect pDC survival or maturation.
ΔMFI (mean fluorescence intensity) ( = MFI(marker)−MFI(isotype)) …
CD28 super-agonists (CD28SA) are mAbs which induce polyclonal T-cell proliferation in the absence of TCR ligation. 138, 139 In rodents, in vivo application of CD28SA at low doses efficiently ...