Integrin alpha 2 - Wikipedia
Integrin alpha-2, or CD49b (cluster of differentiation 49b), is a protein which in humans is encoded by the CD49b gene. The CD49b protein is an integrin alpha subunit. It makes up half of the α2β1 integrin duplex. Integrins are heterodimeric integral membrane glycoproteins composed of a distinct alpha chain and a common beta chain.
【罗工流式秘籍72】人和小鼠的NK细胞研究指标怎么选? - 知乎
常规nk检测一般阳性指标cd49b+nk1.1+nkp46+,3者选1就可以判断nk细胞群比例,其中nk1.1在nk细胞发育的最初始阶段就开始表达,相对会检测的更全面一些。 但NK1.1和CD49b选择要根据小鼠的品系:
人 CD 抗原完全指南 - Abcam中文官网
cd49b. 整合素 α-2、vla-2 α 亚基、itga2. 血小板、b 细胞、单核细胞、激活的 t 细胞、上皮细胞、内皮细胞、自然杀伤细胞亚群和巨核细胞。 参与细胞粘附和血小板聚集,是埃可病毒 1 的受体。 cd49c. 整合素 α-3、vla-3 α 亚基、itga3
自然杀伤NK细胞是什么-NK细胞表面标志物-赛默飞 | Thermo …
成熟的循环性nk细胞(人:cd56+,小鼠:cd49b+)组成性地表达多种活化受体(表3)。nk细胞在免疫细胞中的独特之处在于,所有成熟循环nk细胞都组成性地表达fcrγ、cd3ζ和dap12 i型跨膜锚定蛋白,这些蛋白以二硫键结合型的同源二聚体或异源二聚体(在fcrγ和cd3ζ ...
CD49b identifies functionally and epigenetically distinct subsets of ...
2022年7月12日 · Luc and colleagues have found that CD49b phenotypically separates primitive hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) into functionally distinct lineage-biased subsets. RNA-seq analysis revealed highly overlapping gene expression profiles, whereas ATAC-seq analysis showed discrete chromatin accessibility patterns between the functionally different subsets.
NK cells (mouse) | Miltenyi Biotec | USA
CD49b is expressed on NK cells and a small population of T cells (CD4 + CD3 + TCRα/β +). CD49b is less mouse strain–specific than other NK cell markers (e.g. NK1.1) and is expressed by the most common inbred mouse strains
CD49b identifies functionally and epigenetically distinct subsets of ...
2022年7月12日 · In this study, we demonstrate that CD49b subdivides the most primitive HSC compartment into functionally distinct subtypes: CD49b-HSCs are highly enriched for myeloid-biased and the most durable cells, while CD49b + HSCs are enriched for multipotent cells with lymphoid bias and reduced self-renewal ability.
病毒感染下 CD49a+ CD49b+ NK 细胞新亚群的起源与功能特质解析
2024年11月14日 · 中国科学技术大学彭慧课题组与田志刚课题组携手合作,于《Science China Life Sciences》期刊发表了名为《CD49a+CD49b+ NK cells induced by viral infection reflect an activated state of conventional NK cells》的研究论文,该论文深入剖析并成功揭示了病毒感染所诱导产生的 CD49a+CD49b+ NK ...
Differential expression of CD49a and CD49b determines …
Here, we found that tumor-infiltrating CD8 + T cells initially expressed CD49b, gained CD49a, and then lost CD49b over the course of tumor outgrowth. This differentiation sequence was driven by antigen-independent elements in the TME, although T-cell receptor (TCR) stimulation further increased CD49a expression.
自然杀伤细胞的表面标记 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
人类和小鼠中的NK细胞表达表面标记差异如下: 人类:CD16(FcγRIII), CD56 小鼠:CD49b (clone DX5) 此外,高达80%的人类NK细胞也表达CD8。以下是一些NK细胞的一些标志物。