如图所示:巨噬细胞的标记物包括CD68,CD80,CD163等等,当巨噬细胞出现极化时,M2亚型的细胞的标记物就变成了CD163,所以,可以通过免疫荧光双染的方法来确定M2亚型细胞的表达。 即(CD68 +CD163)。 下面是我在实验过程中通过荧光双染得到的结果。 绿色的荧光是M2亚型的巨噬细胞,视野中存在较少,红色的荧光是所有的巨噬细胞,可以看出视野中存在的巨噬细胞较多,最后一张是合成在一起的图,红色和绿色合在一起的即定位的是M2型巨噬细胞。 大家熟悉 …
巨噬细胞极化标志物 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年12月26日 · cd68和cd11b是所有巨噬细胞都表达的标记。 M1和M2巨噬细胞又有各自特定的标记。 M1巨噬细胞可以选择CD80、CD86、CD64、CD16和CD32作为标记。
Cell-type-specific expression of the human CD68 gene is …
2007年9月1日 · Precipitated DNA was used as template for real-time PCR amplification with four genomic primer pairs specific for the promoter, coding regions and 3′ untranslated region (UTR) of the CD68 gene. As a comparative control, we used the γ-actin gene, which is actively expressed in both these cell types.
Expression of CD68 and macrophage chemoattractant protein-1 ... - PubMed
To examine the role of adipose-resident macrophages in insulin resistance, we examined the gene expression of CD68, a macrophage marker, along with macrophage chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) in human subcutaneous adipose tissue using real-time RT-PCR. Both CD68 and MCP-1 mRNAs were expressed in hu …
The use of human CD68 transcriptional regulatory sequences to …
The first intron of the CD68 gene was polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplified using primers 5′-CCG GAATTC TGCTGGGGCTACTGGCAG-3′ and 5′-TGA TCTAGA GTCCCCTGGGCTTTTGGCAG-3′, which resulted in the addition of EcoRI and XbaI sites (the underlined bases in the sequences).
Expression of macrophage-selective markers in human and …
2005年10月24日 · Using real-time PCR experiments, we show that isolated adipocytes from humans and mice AT express high levels of CD14 and CD68 mRNA, whereas EMR1-F4/80 is mainly present in the macrophage-containing stroma-vascular fraction.
Expression of CD68 in Non-Myeloid Cell Types - Wiley Online …
2008年4月8日 · We investigated the expression of CD68 in various primary cells and carcinoma cell lines using immunohistochemistry, flow cytometry, Western blot analysis and qRT-PCR. Weak but significant immunoreactivity was detected in lymphocytes and several tumour cell lines whereas staining of primary fibroblasts and endothelial cells was comparable to ...
免疫组化检测:聚焦 34 - CD68 之深入剖析
通过免疫组化检测 cd68,可以确定组织中巨噬细胞的分布、数量和激活状态等信息。 例如,在炎症部位,巨噬细胞会大量聚集,CD68 的表达水平会升高,免疫组化染色后呈现出较强的阳性信号。
[The "classical" macrophage marker CD68 is strongly expressed in ...
Methods: We investigated protein and RNA expression of CD68 in various fibroblast types and carcinoma cell lines as compared to monocytes and macrophages using immunohistochemistry, flow cytometry, and specific RT-PCR. Different monoclonal antibody clones against CD68 were applied including KP-1 and EBM11.
CD68靶点介绍及实验小贴士| Abcam中文官网
CD68是一种可以在单核细胞和巨噬细胞中高表达的跨膜糖蛋白。 虽然在造血细胞系中低表达,但可通过PMA/TPA对CD68进行诱导。 可以与组织和器官特异性凝集素或选择素结合,使巨噬细胞亚群归巢到特定部位。 在许多肿瘤细胞系中表达,可以附着在血管内皮上的选择素上,从而促进其向次要部位的扩散。 所以,CD68是肿瘤转 移的潜在标志物。 CD68定位于细胞膜、内体膜、溶酶体膜。 图二:CD68 ICC实验结果图,Anti-CD68 抗体 [EPR20545] (ab213363)。 绿 …