H1N1 Influenza Pandemic | Office of Readiness and Response | CDC
2009年4月15日 · The 2009 H1N1 was a unique combination of influenza virus genes never previously identified in either animals or people. This new influenza was first detected in a 10-year-old patient in California on April 15, 2009.
2009 H1N1 Pandemic (H1N1pdm09 virus) | Pandemic Influenza (Flu) | CDC
2019年6月11日 · From April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010, CDC estimated there were 60.8 million cases (range: 43.3-89.3 million), 274,304 hospitalizations (range: 195,086-402,719), and …
1918 Pandemic (H1N1 virus) | Pandemic Influenza (Flu) | CDC
The 1918 H1N1 flu virus caused the deadliest pandemic of the 20th century. To better understand this deadly virus, an expert group of researchers and virus hunters set out to search for the lost 1918 virus, sequence its genome, recreate the virus in a highly safe and regulated laboratory setting at CDC, and ultimately study its secrets to ...
About Swine/Variant Flu | Swine Flu | CDC
2024年7月8日 · The main swine influenza viruses circulating in U.S. pigs in recent years have been, swine triple reassortant (tr) H1N1 influenza virus, trH3N2 virus, and trH1N2 virus.
Types of Influenza Viruses | Influenza (Flu) | CDC
2024年9月18日 · Current subtypes of influenza A viruses that routinely circulate in people include A (H1N1) and A (H3N2). Influenza A virus subtypes and Influenza B virus lineages can be further broken down into different HA genetic “clades” and “sub-clades.”
Weekly US Influenza Surveillance Report: Key Updates for Week 10 ...
2025年3月14日 · U.S. virologic surveillance Nationally, and in all 10 HHS regions, the percentage of respiratory specimens testing positive for influenza virus in clinical laboratories decreased (change ≥ 0.5 percentage points) compared to the previous week. Influenza A (H1N1)pdm09 and A (H3N2) were the predominant viruses reported this week. For regional and state level data and age group distribution ...
Ten Years of Gains: A Look Back at Progress Since the 2009 H1N1 …
2019年6月11日 · When the pandemic H1N1 virus emerged in April 2009, laboratories were quickly overwhelmed by sharp increases in testing demands. CDC moved quickly to expand domestic and global capacity to detect the virus by using its genetic sequence data to update existing rRT-PCR test kits.
Summary of Flu Progress since 2009 | Pandemic Influenza (Flu) | CDC
On June 11 th, 2009, the World Health Organization declared the start of the first flu pandemic in 40 years. CDC estimates that between 151,700 and 575,400 people died worldwide from the 2009 H1N1 virus infection during the first year the virus circulated. That H1N1 virus has continued to circulate worldwide annually since it emerged in 2009.
Multicountry Spread of Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 Viruses with …
2024年5月23日 · Global emergence of neuraminidase inhibitor-resistant influenza A (H1N1)pdm09 viruses with I223V and S247N mutations: implications for antiviral resistance monitoring.
CDC H1N1 Flu | Questions & Answers Novel H1N1 Influenza …
CDC is now encouraging those who have been patiently waiting to receive the 2009 H1N1 vaccine, including people 65 and older, to get vaccinated depending on local supply. Separate recommendations are available for seasonal influenza, ( Who Should Get Vaccinated Against Seasonal Influenza?)