Programming a MOTOROLA CDM1550-LS+ - RadioReference.com …
2014年1月3日 · You didn't say which band you will be using this radio on, so it's not possible to recommend a specific antenna. You will want an NMO base antenna to match one of the mounts above. CDM1550's come in VHF Low Band, VHF High Band, 220MHz band, UHF band or …
Need a Blank/Default VHF CDM1550-LS Codeplug
CDM750 CDM1250 CDM1550 HT1250LS+ CDM1550LS+ CDM1550LS It may be helpful to search using wildcards. If someone asks a question about one model, the answer usually pertains to most, if not all. They are all programmed with HVN9025 CPS.
CDM - Motorola CDM1550LS+ Programming Help
2023年2月11日 · CDM750, CDM1550, CDM1550.LS, CDM1550.LS+. High Quality USB Programming Cable For Motorola Radios. 1 x USB Programming Cable For Motorola Radio. (Windows USB Cable driver provided. Programming software NOT included).
Motorola CDM1550 LS+ are there 2 different models?
2018年4月23日 · Hi, thinking of purchasing a Motorola CDM1550 LS+ but see that some on ebay are advertised as 450MHz and others are 430MHz. But looking at the spec sheet it looks like the radio's do both anyway, is this true or are there two versions of this model? Regards Lee.
Motorola CDM1550 Randomly Shuts Off - RadioReference.com …
2016年2月26日 · I have a Motorola CDM1550 that is intermittently and randomly failing. This radio is setup as a base station unit. It's primarily operating as a receiver and very rarely transmits. It is located in a server room with lots of other electronic equipment (computers, servers, amplifiers, etc...). The room is fairly warm but not hot.
cdm1550 Out Of Band codeplug? | RadioReference.com Forums
2018年1月30日 · Is it possible to get a codeplug for my cdm1550ls+ to get it into the ham band? Or is hex edit the only way? UHF but cant get down to the 440s.] My job has gone from A trunk to D trunk now. Thnx in Advance
CDM1550 Repeater Build - RadioReference.com Forums
2017年6月27日 · I'm looking to build a repeater out of a pair of cdm1550`s of which I have two ready to be put to use. I have purchased a repeater interface cable and I'm wondering if I need a repeater controller or if I can just use the interface cable. What are the pros and cons of both setups? I'm hoping to...
CDM1550 Control Head Unresponsive - RadioReference.com Forums
2024年10月17日 · I have a like new Motorola CDM1550 that the Control Head has become unresponsive. It will no longer allow me to use any of the buttons on the control head. The radio powers up fine and broadcasts audio, it will also transmit without any issues. The radio powers on to whatever channel you have in the number 1 slot.
Motorola CDM1550-LS (Question on Scan Settings)
2016年9月6日 · My purpose of this post is to try and learn as much as possible from more experienced Motorola users about the CDM1550-LS's scan capabilities and then attempt to program the radio so that the scan functions are as close to my wants/needs as possible within the radios abilities. Any additional help or information is greatly appreciated. Thank ...
CDM1550, HT1250, CPS software, and 3 different computers. Help
2013年5月23日 · So here's the scoop - I am trying to program my CDM1550. I have an HT1250 I have been using for a while and I program it with a Windows Vista and Windows 7 computer through a USB to serial port adapter (one I got at Radio Shack, gigaware if I remember right is the company). I got the same kind...