CDT and Percentages- Please explain! | Drinkdriving.org
2016年5月24日 · Carbohydrate deficient transferrin (cdt) is the substance that the DVLA test for when analysing your blood sample which is a generally reliable indicator of excessive alcohol consumption as it is very rarely affected by other medical conditions (although some individuals seem to have unwaveringly low CDT readings, see white43's consistently low ...
Medical - CDT test - Iron deficiency | Drinkdriving.org
2018年10月5日 · CDT tests have been used for decades and, consequently, people looking to quickly lower CDT levels for decades. If iron supplements had an appreciable effect, beyond rough correlation, we would probably know.
CDT Test Fail | Drinkdriving.org
2019年2月15日 · Blood was taken for the CDT test (my Medichecks test last week was 0.7%,) and the Dr. said this would be mailed to Viacheck today. I asked if she could fax her report through to DVLA and she said yes that wouldn't be a problem but they wouldn't make a decision until the blood test results were available (which I understood.)
failed medical ...what next? | Drinkdriving.org
2017年3月22日 · Well things are dragging out, got my application in 8 weeks before 12 months of abstinence. I took a medicheck cdt test and that came back as 0.9, dvla contacted my doctor and he sent my cdt test back with his questionnaire. They received it last week and I have just rang today and now they are sending me for another medical at the dvla doctor ...
Passing the medical with a high cdt, | Drinkdriving.org
2014年1月8日 · I can probably get a cdt blood test done this week to see how high it is & imagine having a drinking pattern to disguise a high count but I can't be ****ed to wait a year to learn to drive, so it's either do this & risk a years suspension, cancel my application wait another few months for my liver to have a more normal cdt count to do a ...
Cdt returns to normal after 2-4 wks (abstinence)
2016年1月28日 · On a final technical note, and not one of personality disorders: Smoking will possibly increase a persons sensitivity to CDT, when and only when alcohol/ethanol is consumed. Even then, the sensitivity is so moderate that it is irrelevant. Smoking is not known to cause false positives with regards to the CDT test. Indeed, it would be illogical ...
The DVLA Medical test, CDT and an individual case study
2016年2月29日 · Individual Test I am male, 41. Largely sedentary, clinically obese. Previous history of alcohol abuse and recent consumption of alcohol in the range of 22-24 UK alcohol units a day (179g), about six nights a week. I have diabetes type 2, but diet controlled. Suffer from gout, but controlled by...
How long should I not drink before a CDT test
2020年11月23日 · Generally speaking, if someone drinks within the guidelines (14 units, spread out over the week) then the CDT score should be acceptable after 3-5 weeks. The only reason I am hesitant in saying you should follow those guidelines is that you say that you binge Drink.
CDT Tests | Drinkdriving.org
2024年12月13日 · However I drank quite heavily in November so know I’d fail if I took the test at the end of November. My solicitor has advised me to take a CDT test every two months to support my replication. So after drinking heavily in November, people talk about needing to remain abstinent for 2-4 weeks for CDT levels to return to an acceptable level.
Half Life Clarification CDT | Drinkdriving.org
2016年3月5日 · The CDT blood test does not test 'half life' of CDT, because half life is the time it takes for CDT to halve it's value. Half life doesn't mean that it's reached half it's active life and will only start to drop off after that.