Clutch Delay Valve (CDV) Modification - Zeckhausen
A Clutch Delay Valve (CDV) is a one-way restrictor, located between the clutch slave and clutch master cylinders. It slows the engagement of the clutch, similar to a damped record player tone-arm, gently lowering the needle to the surface of a record.
CDV Delete Pros/Cons
2024年5月7日 · Has anyone done a CDV delete? What are your experiences if so? I’m looking for pros/cons on this, as well as any help in improving my shifting experience. I drive pretty smooth normally, but when I get on it WOT dumping clutch, I see where the shifts can improve.
CDV Delete DIY with pics - E46 Fanatics Forum
2010年5月9日 · The Clutch Delay Valve (CDV) basically softens up the clutch pedal to remove the harshness of the engines power from the car. If you come off the clutch quickly to apply mucho power, the CDV will slow the clutch slightly to make the application less harsh.
*Newer* CDV Delete Method (Easier Way!) - BIMMERPOST
2019年12月23日 · Easier than the drill method, just buy and install. For the guys who have done the drill method like me, this new slave is a bit better than the drill method. I am now WOT slamming and banging gears with zero slip. Make sure to open the brake fluid reservoir and suck some fluid out, to prevent over spill when you backwards bleed.
棉花糖牌宝马教程九—CDV删除 - 主 论 坛 - BMWSKY宝马汽车俱 …
2012年4月18日 · 高速换档CDV会对离合器片造成非常大的磨损,降低寿命,延长换档时间,如果你有3年以上的手动驾驶经验,完全不需要CDV这个废物。 来看看CDV在整个液压系统中的位置。 这里要特别说明的是,宝马一般把刹车和离合集成在了一起,所以如果想要做CDV删除的话,必须要bleed刹车。 因为在删除过程中会无可避免的让空气进入刹车管线,如果不bleed的话,有可能刹车失效,非常危险。 如果有人想做的话,想清楚,本人不负任何责任。
Clutch Delay Valve compilation (CDV delete) - Bimmerforums.com
2009年6月21日 · This is a compilation of information regarding the Clutch Delay Valve and its removal from manual transmission BMW Z3s. This is a common modification which allows the driver to have more control over the clutch engagement speed.
Clutch Delay Valve (CDV) on E46 M3 | BimmerFest BMW Forum
2004年3月13日 · I just pulled a CDV from a 2003-build E46 M3 this morning. Since the BMW documentation shows it as NOT being there, I did not replace it with a modified valve. For the M3, I recommend removing and discarding the CDV.
The Clutch Delay Valve (CDV) - E36, E46 & E39 - BMW Forums
2011年10月1日 · The cause is an added check valve (BMW refers to this as the "E36 Lock Valve (21)" & "E46 Lock Valve (15)" and we call it a CDV) in the clutch hydraulic circuit that is intended to slow the engagement of the clutch as you release the pedal. This constant engagement device is intended to smooth out the feel of shifts and potentially reduce the ...
UUC * Tech Tip: Removal of the CDV / Check valve - UUC …
The cause is an added check valve (BMW calls it a "lock valve") in the clutch hydraulic circuit that is intended to slow the engagement of the clutch as you release the pedal. This hydraulic restrictor device is intended to smooth out the feel of shifts and potentially reduce the shock load on the drivetrain.
DIY: Clutch Delay Valve Removal - BIMMERPOST
2022年3月13日 · I made a video on how to remove the CDV from our cars. It's pretty easy to do. I start off by explaining how it works and why it may or may not be worth doing. If you already understand that part, feel free to skip forward. Shoutout to TurboAra for finding it first. More discussion in his thread: https://f30.bimmerpost.com/forums/sh....php?t ...