CDex | Free CD to MP3 converter, ripper, FLAC, M4A, WMA, OGG, …
CDex - Open Source Digital Audio CD Extractor with more than 80,000,000 downloads
Download CDex
Aug 12, 2020 · CDex has support for several languages, the current distribution only packs a couple of language files to keep the file size of the distributable to an acceptable level, the language specific files(s) can be download here.
Features - CDex
What's CDex? CDex can extract the data directly (digital) from an Audio CD, which is generally called a CD Ripper or a CDDA utility. The resulting audio file can be a plain WAV file (useful for making compilation audio CDs) or the ripped audio data can be compressed using an audio encoder such as MP3, FLAC, AAC, WMA or OGG.
New stable version: CDex 2.24 released
Aug 12, 2020 · CDex 2.24 has been released. This version is the final release for CDex 2.24 for both Unicode and Multibyte. Changelog-Windows 10, Version 2004 fixes-Several bug fixes. It is recommended that you update to this version.
New stable version: CDex 2.00 released
Mar 27, 2018 · CDex 2.00 has been released. This version is the final release for CDex 2.00 for both Unicode and Multibyte. Changelog-Compatibility fix for Windows 10 Spring Creators Update-Several bug fixes. It is recommended that you update to this version.
Support - CDex
There are many ways to get help using CDex. First of all, please make sure, that you read the FAQ. Often your questions have already been asked by other users and you will find an answer really fast. If you cannot find an answer to your question in the FAQ, please use the Help Forum. You should get an answer really fast!
New portable version: CDex 1.77 Portable released | CDex
CDex 1.77 Potable has been released. This version is the CDex Portable 1.77 for Unicode and Multibyte. CDex Portable 1.77 works without installation and can be also used on USB or Flash drives.
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions - CDex
CDex crashed during start-up (error in module CDex.exe or Kernel32.exe), what's wrong? During starup, CDex is enumrating all audio compression codecs installed on your system. Very rarely, the existence of a particular audio codec apparently triggers this crash.
New stable version: CDex 1.83 released
Mar 7, 2017 · CDex 1.83 has been released. This version is the final release for CDex 1.83 for both Unicode and Multibyte. Changelog-Updated to FLAC 1.3.2 encoder-Updates to Ogg and Vorbis-Updated VC redistributable-Added new layout features-Several bug fixes. It is recommended that you update to this version.
#0CA0# "Kijk of er nieuwe en/of update vertalingen zijn" #8003# "Kies om CDex te configureren\nConfigureren" #8004# "CD track(s) naar WAV audiobestand rippen\nRippen naar WAV bestand(en)" #8005# "CD track(s) naar gecodeerd audiobestand rippen\nRippen naar gecodeerde bestand(en)" #8006# "WAV bestanden naar MPEG bestanden \nWAV -> MPEG" …