Elevated CEA levels: Could unrelated surgery be this cause?
2024年11月15日 · Scientists first discovered CEA in 1968 when they isolated extracts of liver metastasized by colorectal cancer and also from normal fetal digestive tract. Everyone is born …
Worried about rising CEA levels - Mayo Clinic Connect
2017年5月31日 · Welcome to Connect. I'm tagging a few other members who may also have experience with fluctuating CEA levels. Please meet @travelgirl @martid @ilene1 @soul …
Why is my CEA level normal, but I was diagnosed as colon cancer?
2023年7月12日 · My CEA was < 2.0 in March 2023 prior to my colon surgery in April. I had a cancerous polyp discovered during my colonoscopy in February. My understanding is that the …
Slightly elevated CEA - Mayo Clinic Connect
2021年7月18日 · I recently had a blood test for a life insurance company to see if I would qualify for coverage. I also had routine colonoscopies when I turned 50(completely clear) and 60( …
Worried about rising CEA levels - Mayo Clinic Connect
2017年5月31日 · Up until this surgery was done my CEA levels were in the 3-4 range. This past April I was in to my oncologist for my check-up and my level has increased to 6.1. We redid …
Worried about rising CEA levels - Mayo Clinic Connect
2017年5月31日 · My CEA level is at 297.0. It began in April after my surgery to remove colon cancer. I have Stage 4 with mets to the live. At that point the CEA was 69.7. It went from that …
Worried about rising CEA levels - Mayo Clinic Connect
2017年5月31日 · CEA levels were between 5-9 but the doctors considered that normal for her case. Long story short - her life was practically back to normal. Until her last regular check up …
Had colon cancer and now CEA is rising: Scared
2022年4月26日 · Second CEA 1.2 06/01/22 Was done by Labcorp. Third CEA 1.0 09/01/2022 was done by Emory and the recent one was done at Labcorp 12/19 CEA ‘1.9’. Does this level …
CEA Level Increase – Previous cancer diagnosis - Mayo Clinic …
2024年12月30日 · @robj67, CEA is a tumor marker monitor most commonly for colorectal cancer colorectal cancer, but may also be used along with other tests for bladder, breast, lung, …
Worried about rising CEA levels - Mayo Clinic Connect
2017年5月31日 · I was never diagnostic with cancer, but my S CEA level is hihg. I was beeing investigated due to family reason- too many cancer in our family. Last three years …