HER-2 检测深度解读,各种知识点一文搞懂!_基因_细胞_染色体
2022年10月19日 · 有文献报道可使用多个第 17 号染色体上的其他基因探针替代 CEP17 进行 FISH 检测,以此来解决 FISH 结果特殊的困难病例的判读问题。
Amplification of Chromosome 17 Centromere (CEP17) in Breast ... - PubMed
Background: Amplification of the centromeric region of chromosome 17 (CEP17) as measured by In Situ Hybridization (ISH) of the CEP17 probe is used clinically as part of the ISH assay for HER2 status determination in breast cancer. The value of amplification of CEP17 beyond its use in the HER2 ISH test has not been fully explored.
乳腺癌HER2检测指南(2019版) - 中华病理学杂志
FISH双探针检测中加入CEP17探针的目的是为了在检测HER2基因的同时检测第17号染色体数目,从而将第17号染色体的非整倍体与单纯的HER2基因扩增(尤其是低水平扩增)区分开 [25]。
[国内指南]乳腺癌HER2检测指南(2019版)更新 - 知乎
2)FISH:探针多为同时含有HER2基因和该基因所在的 17号染色体着丝粒 (CEP17)序列的双探针;建议至少在2个代表性区域内计数≥20个浸润癌细胞,细胞数量过少的微浸润灶不宜行FISH检测。
Breast Cancer With a HER2 IHC2+ and FISH HER2/CEP17 Ratio …
Compared to IHC, FISH assay [commonly used as dual-probe including the HER2 gene and centromere enumeration probe for chromosome 17 (CEP17)], for inspecting HER2 gene copy numbers and amplification because it is more precise in recognizing a HER2 status based on its available research and clinical evidence, has been widely applied for reflex ...
HER2, chromosome 17 polysomy and DNA ploidy status in …
2019年8月12日 · Gain of CEP17 was detected in five of six cell lines with FISH, in both the metaphase spreads and interphase cell nuclei. However, not one cell line showed isolated polysomy of chromosome 17 in...
Using the HER2/CEP17 FISH Ratio to Predict Pathologic Complete …
The HER2/CEP17 FISH ratio is known to predict pCR for patients who receive neoadjuvant HER2-targeted therapy with chemotherapy, and it may help select patients with locally advanced HER2+ breast cancer for de-escalated neoadjuvant treatment that omits cytotoxic chemotherapy.
FISH检测CEP17在乳腺癌中的临床意义 - qikanjiansuo.com
摘要: 目的 探究 FISH 检测 CEP17 在乳腺癌中的临床意义、明确 HER-2 基因扩增与探针拷贝数间的关系及分析 CEP17 异常对 HER-2 扩增评判的影响。 方法 选取我院病理科 2012 年 1 月至 2014 年 12 月间乳腺癌 HER-2 基因扩增标本 890 例,进 行HER-2免疫组化标记、完成双色FISH检测并进行回顾性分析。 结果 890例乳腺癌HER-2基因FISH检测结果中13例(1.46%) 探针信号数 >6 个,其中 6 例免疫组化评分为(+++),其余 7 例评分为(++)。
Deletion 17p (TP53/CEP17) FISH - UCSF Health Center for …
BD17P (Blood Sample): Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization (FISH) is performed using the TP53/CEP17 FISH probe to detect abnormal copy numbers of chromosome 17 and the deletion of chromosome 17p13.1 (TP53) from leukemic blood samples.
Unraveling the chromosome 17 patterns of FISH in interphase
2014年12月7日 · Background: In diagnostic pathology, HER2 status is determined in interphase nuclei by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with probes for the HER2 gene and for the chromosome 17 centromere (CEP17). The latter probe is used as a surrogate for chromosome 17 copies, however chromosome 17 (Chr17) is frequently rearranged.