CF19 Interactive Map
2024-11-08 update: CFIM fandom data has been smoothened a bit. and updated with the most recent circle data. IDGC curation data comes later post-CF. Have a good day at CF!
Maps - Crossfire Wiki | Fandom
Listed below are all of the maps that were made for the game. To see the maps in order of release, check out: Recent Maps. There are 5 maps categories: PVP: Maps for regular modes. PVE: Maps for Zombie and AI BOT Modes. Mutation: Maps for infection based modes. Casual: Maps for various casual modes. Special: Maps for weapon-limited modes.
Crossfire Wiki - Fandom
Here, we have the up-to-date information, spoiler, trivia or related information on the CrossFire series. We are currently housing 4,570 articles since June, 2009. There have been 263,497 edits with the total of 51,576 images uploaded. Feel free to edit and discuss with us.
穿越火线新版本 生化空间 - CF官方网站
整张地图为一个巨大圆形建筑,总共有三层,玩家可以通过建筑内的楼梯通往高层,或者在蓝色的无重力区域跳跃到较高的楼层。 在蓝色无重力区域,玩家可以进入失重状态,跳跃能力大幅 …
穿越火线地图 - 百度百科
以下是《穿越火线》所有游戏地图。 以消灭敌人为目标的游戏模式,固定时间内率先消灭规定数量的敌人即可获胜! 这一次,潜伏者成功的偷袭了A市的市政厅,绑架了许多政要人士。 保卫者们又一次踏上了维和任务之路。 市政厅的地形复杂,多层的建筑结构使得每一步都危机四伏。 在美国旧金山的城郊,有一座普通的天文台,天文台内藏有非常宝贵的未知外星科技。 传说这个外星科技可以打开五维世界,达到操控时间的目的。 J国的秘密组织Hydra为了对夺取未知外星科技, …
CrossFire Hacks, Cheats & Aimbots - elitepvpers
Elevate your gameplay and discover CrossFire hacks, cheats and aimbots in our forum. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned player, our community is here to boost your gaming skills. Here you will find a list of discussions in the CrossFire forum at the Shooter category. [CF:West] GateZ …
墨西哥 | 穿越火线 Wiki | Fandom
墨西哥 是穿越火线中的两张重名地图,它们几乎是在同一时间开发并更新到游戏中的,拥有相似的材质和风格。 墨西哥可以作为 爆破模式 或者 团队竞技模式 使用。 墨西哥是一张相对公平的地图,潜伏者出生后有三条路可选,可以从最外侧小路直通A区,或者从中间道路通向中央大道,也可以侧从地下水路直攻A区双扇门或者B区小路。 保卫者出生在B区,出生后可以选择攻打中路,或者需要花费时间通向A区。 团队竞技模式的墨西哥是一张镜面对称地图,地图主要分为三个区 …
【211张!】史上最全穿越火线手游地图统计(´・ω・`) - 哔哩哔哩
2015年12月3日 · 5.地图外服问题:本次统计包含了两张越服专属地图:Làng Dân Tộc(序号041)和Hội Hoa Đă-Hàn(序号078),统计中为译文且带有“(越服)”标志。 6.地图重名问题:本次统计包含了三组重名地图,在后上架的地图中,表格中带有“(模式)”标志。
Category:Maps | Crossfire Wiki - Fandom
Main article: Maps. There are many maps in CrossFire, in which many have acclaimed to be "brilliant in all aspects". The events during Crossfire take place all over the world, from Santoria (In Spain) to Transport Ship (in the Atlantic Ocean) to Egypt.
Template:Maps - Liquipedia CrossFire Wiki
This page was last edited on 20 December 2024, at 12:07. Text/code is available under CC-BY-SA.Licenses for other media varies.
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