General Electric CF6 - Wikipedia
The General Electric CF6, US military designations F103 and F138, is a family of high-bypass turbofan engines produced by GE Aviation. Based on the TF39, the first high-power high-bypass jet engine, the CF6 powers a wide variety of civilian airliners. The basic engine core also powers the LM2500 and LM6000 marine and power generation turboshafts.
CF6 - 百度百科
通用电气CF6 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2024年9月29日 · cf6-80a是cf6-80系列的首个型号,推力介于48000至50000磅(214至222千牛)之间,使用该发动机的机型包括波音767和空中客车a310,其中使用cf6-80a的波音767于1982年投入运营,使用通用电气发动机的a310于1983年初投入服务。
CF6 Engine Family - GE Aerospace
The CF6-80C2 continues in production today. In addition to marine and industrial applications, GE Aerospace has delivered more than 8,500 CF6 engines to power 10 unique commercial and military aircraft families with 25 variants. The most popular engine model, the CF6-80C2, boasts the largest installed base of any widebody engine in history.
Currently certified on 14 widebody aircraft models and with 16 ratings, the CF6-80C2 has received FAA 180-minute Extended Range Operations (ETOPS) approval for A300, A310, 747, and 767 aircraft, offering route structuring flexibility and added economic benefits.
CF6. large turbofan engines (military designations: F103 and F138) power 16 military and VIP applications. The CF6-50 (F103), entered military service in the mid - 1970’s on the E-4B aircraft. In 1979, it was introduced on the KC-10 Tanker, a modification of the commercial DC-10-30. The CF6-80C2, an advanced development of the CF6 -50
100-200kN涡轮喷气发动机 CF6 series - AeroExpo
最受欢迎的 cf6-80c2 发动机型号是历史上装机量最大的宽体飞机发动机。 越来越好 与第一台 cf6-6 相比,今天的机队是 燃油效率提高了 15 两次大修之间的飞行次数增加 3 倍 货运的第二次生命 通用电气的 cf6 发动机系列为全球近 70% 的宽体飞机提供动力。
CF6 - 百度文库
CF6-80C2B6F/-80C2D1F本质上与CF6-80C2A1相同,但有较高的起飞推力,采用了全权数字式电子控制系统、高压和低压涡轮可调主动间隙控制、轮盘内径处的可调冷却技术、高压涡轮的两级冷却和与机体有关的硬件的小改动。 CF6-80C2B6F有一个重新设计的附件机匣和一个伺服燃油加热器。 推力级分别为26700daN、26990daN。 CF6-80C2B1F/-80C2B2F/-80C2B4F基本ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้与CF6-80C2A1相同,但有较低的起飞推力,采用了全权数字式电子控制和 …
通用电气CF6 - 全球百科
通用电气cf6系列是美国通用电气制造商生产的一种广泛使用的中推力喷气发动机。 最初的TF39型号是第一款具有高涵道比的涡扇发动机,是今天的MTUAeroEngines参与开发的第一款商用发动机。
The CF6-80C2B1 is rated at 56,700lbs thrust and flat rated to 86 degrees. It was used to power the last 747-200/-300s built in the mid-1980s. The -80C2B1F is rated at 58,090lbs thrust, and flat rated at 90 degrees Fahrenheit (32.2 degrees centigrade). It was the first CF6-80C2 variant to power the 747-400. Most 747-400s with CF6-