Statistics and Investigation of CF6 Jet Engines Hot Section Failures
2022年2月23日 · The available real data regarding the engines’ performance tests and Borescope Inspections (BI) reports allow the authors to perform an investigation on the failures occurred to the CF6 sections, mainly the High-Pressure Turbine (HPT) section and provide statistical analysis of the engine parameters behavior and deterioration.
The CF6-50 and -80 are two-shaft engines. The -50 has an 86.4-inch fan diameter, a three-stage low pressure compressor (LPC), 14-stage high pressure compressor (HPC), two-stage high pressure turbine (HPT) and four-stage low pressure turbine (LPT). Eight variants were rated at 51,000lbs-54,000lbs thrust for the DC-10-30 and 747-200.
There are two main upgrade programmes for the CF6-80C2 series: the high pressure turbine (HPT) upgrade, and the new Tech CF6 programme. The HPT upgrade follows early problems with the stage 1 HPT blades. These had poor durability and consequently resulted in poor on-wing and maintenance intervals.
In this paper, an overview is given of the service experiences with HPT shrouds in the hot section of the CFM56, CF6-50 and CF6-80C2 aero engines. This information is part of on-going investigations at Chromalloy Holland and NLR to classify the service damage modes of HPT shrouds in different engines.
General Electric (GE) CF6-80A engines experienced an uncontained failure1 of the high pressure turbine (HPT) stage 1 disk 2 in the No. 1 (left) engine during a high-power ground run for maintenance at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), Los Angeles, California (see figure 1
focused and enhanced inspections being accomplished on the CF6-80C2 HPT stage 1 disks to the CF6-80A HPT stage 1 disks. Although SB required the CF6-80A HPT stage 1 disk inspections to be accomplished when the disk had been disassembled to piece part level, a CF6-
B762, Los Angeles USA, 2006 | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
On June 2, 2006, an American Airlines Boeing 767-200ER fitted GE CF6-80A engines experienced an uncontained failure of the high pressure turbine (HPT) stage 1 disc in the No. 1 engine during a high-power ground run carried out in designated run up area at Los Angeles for maintenance purposes during daylight normal visibility conditions.
本文对热端部件低温热腐蚀疲劳损伤机理、寿命模型和防腐蚀设计方法进行了总结、归纳及评述, 提出了未来的研究趋势与发展方向. 首先介绍航空发动机热端部件的热腐蚀疲劳故障案例、损伤演化机理; 其次, 重点分析了低温腐蚀疲劳寿命的唯象模型、损伤力学模型、断裂力学模型以及机器学习模型; 再次, 对几种代表性的考虑腐蚀演化不同阶段的分段式腐蚀疲劳全寿命模型进行综述, 还分析指出了腐蚀疲劳全寿命模型的发展趋势; 从次, 对航空发动机材料选择、零件制造、结构强度 …
The available real data regarding the engines’ performance tests and Borescope Inspections (BI) reports allow the authors to perform an investigation on the failures occurred to the CF6 sections, mainly the High-Pressure Turbine (HPT) section and provide statistical analysis of the engine parameters behavior and deterioration.
The CF6 Jet Engine Diagnostics Program showed measurable degradation of compressor and turbine airfoil tip clearances in revenue service engines. The degradations of the compressor tip clearances were caused by spalling of abradable coatings from the stator casings and rotor spools, by blade and