CFA® Program mock exam and practice questions
To help you prepare for the CFA exam, we offer different types of practice, including practice questions and a mock exam, with our Learning Ecosystem. As you work your way through the curriculum, we recommend pausing to answer practice questions, assessing your level of confidence and accuracy along the way.
Dumb question but when people say 'do the CFAI questions / do ... - Reddit
2023年4月22日 · Yes, the QBank covers all the CFAI questions. The EOCQ if you look at the actual readings are included in the QBank, but the QBank has additional questions. In short - Yes. This is what people mean.
Which CFA Question Bank Is Better? CFA Institute vs Prep
2024年9月12日 · CFA Institute has a great free question bank (QBank). You can find it in the candidate resources. For Level 3, it has around 400 multiple choice questions (grouped by study session) and seem more difficult than the end of chapter questions.
Is the CFAI QBank harder than the exam? : r/CFA - Reddit
2020年8月24日 · CFAI Qbank is not harder nor is it easier. It's an extremely accurate representation of the actual exam questions.
How similar is CFAI Qbank to the real exam style questions for ... - Reddit
2023年7月17日 · I would say that the QBank covers a lot, like probably ~80-85% of what you are reasonably expected to know, but not everything. For the level 2, I bought a pack of mocks from Mark Meldrum. The mocks were stupidly hard but they sometimes tested different things compared to the QBank / CFAI mocks, so I've found them quite useful in that regard.
CFAI study questions vs Schweser qBank - AnalystForum
2017年10月17日 · The topic tests on the CFAI website are great practice, however they were harder than the actual exam (and Kaplan Qbank) in my opinion. I probably took each topic test 5 times, over a span of a couple months and I still don’t think I got above an 80% on them.
Use of CFAI's Qbank - CFA Level III - AnalystForum
2019年12月3日 · I’d suggest to use it as you go…solving questions is the best way to cement your knowledge. Do CFAI qbank, eoc, blue boxes and past essay questions per subject/study session as you go rather than leave it to the end. You can leave the most recent years essay questions for the end of study though
CFAI Question Bank Difficulty - CFA Level II - AnalystForum
2019年10月24日 · Actual exam (atleast one session) was much tougher than cfai qb and mocks for 2019 and you can believe that. I used to 70-80% in mocks and qb but one session of the exam went extremely hard. Would you suggest we keep QBank questions for review at the end or also do some questions immediately after we cover a chapter?
CFA Level 1 Question Bank - SchweserPro QBank
SchweserPro ™ QBank. Quality practice is the key to success. With thousands of realistic questions and detailed video tutorials, Schweser's QBank is a must-add to your CFA ® exam study plan. The Level I QBank gives you: Better Practice. Practice with questions that reflect the actual CFA exam
L2 CFAI Qbank scores? : r/CFA - Reddit
2021年8月3日 · What scores are you getting on the CFAI Qbank for Level 2? Or for those who just got their results, what scores did you get and how did you do on the exam? I would say there is no correlation between exam scores and CFAI Qbank scores. I was scoring mid 70s consistently. Passed in about the 70th percentile (a very best estimate)