Accreditation Overview - Center for Public Safety Excellence
CFAI accreditation is a process of self-assessment, verified through peer review. Your agency receives the accreditation model, accreditation publications, training, and access to experienced peer assessors.
Accreditation - Center for Public Safety Excellence
CFAI accreditation is a process of agency self-assessment. The Commission on Fire Accreditation International (CFAI) will provide your agency the accreditation model, various accreditation publications and trainings, and access to experienced peer assessors. Working towards, achieving, and maintaining accreditation:
Accredited Agencies - Center for Public Safety Excellence
Below is the current list of accredited agencies. In addition to the agency name, you will find the agency type (career, combination, volunteer, Department of Defense (DoD), or private), …
Trademark Usage Guide for CFA® Charterholders | CFA Institute
The Certification Mark is used by charterholders as a distinctive visual symbol of the CFA designation that can be easily recognized by employers, colleagues, and clients. In essence, use this mark as a seal of quality and integrity, in close proximity to your name. Download the print version or digital version. Use of the Certification Mark
中国金融分析协会(官方权威介绍!) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
考试合格者可获得由中国金融分析协会( http://www. cfains.org )颁发的注册金融分析师证书,该证书通过中国金融分析协会官网( http://www. cfains.org/www.cfains.c om )存档备案,网上公示查询,并纳入CFAI协会职业发展中心(PDC)高端人才库
CFA Institute | Empowering Investment Professionals
CFA Institute offers a diverse range of programs and certificates designed to meet the needs of finance professionals across various career stages and specializations. The CFA Program is …
Center for Public Safety Excellence Announces Board Approval of …
2019年12月29日 · The Center for Public Safety Excellence (CPSE), an international technical organization committed to leading the fire and emergency service industry to excellence, today...
China Association for Financial Analysis (CFAI) is the executive branch of the International Association for Financial Analysis (IFA) in China. CFAI has a high academic influence in the fields of finance, industrial and commercial management, and economic strategy, with broad vision and advanced business philosophy!
CFAI Accreditation Toolkit - Center for Public Safety Excellence
We are providing you with some tools that you can download to use as you embark on your Accreditation journey and for when you achieve accreditation. To assist you in sending out information about your accreditation, we have prepared a press release template in Microsoft Word format that you can download and modify. Download.
CPSE Releases 10th Edition of Commission on Fire ... - Firehouse
2019年12月19日 · The Center for Public Safety Excellence (CPSE), an international technical organization committed to leading the fire and emergency service industry to excellence, today...