Career Field Education and Training Plan (CFETP) - AF
What is the CFETP? The CFETP provides a consolidated framework for commanders, training managers, supervisors, and trainers to plan, develop, manage, and conduct an effective and …
CFETP is a comprehensive core training document that identifies the life-cycle education and training requirements; training support resources; and minimum core task requirements for a …
Career Field Education and Training Plan (CFETP). A CFETP is a comprehensive core training document that identifies life-cycle education and training requirements. It also provides training …
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3E5X1CFETP 16 Jan
Career Field Education and Training Plan (CFETP). A CFETP is a comprehensive, multipurpose document encapsulating the entire spectrum of education and training for a career field. It …
The official website for Air Force e-Publishing
CFETP PROCESS • Career Field Managers (CFMs) determine what needs to be taught/trained at each level within their career field • Specialty Training Requirements Team: •CFM • MAJCOM …
Career Field Education and Training Plan (CFETP). A CFETP is a comprehensive core training document that identifies: life-cycle education and training requirements, training support …
The CFETP is the overarching guide for the 1D7XX/X career field and provides the foundation for effective and efficient training for Cyber Defense Operations Airmen in each 1D7XX/X shred at …
CFETP Assessment Workbooks - AF
A competency assessment is not a static process or just another checklist. Assessments can be designed to balance between the skills and elements needed on the job in conjunction with the …
1. This Career Field Education and Training Plan (CFETP) is a comprehensive education and training document that identifies life-cycle education and training requirements, training …