CFM SB’s 72-0568 and 72-0579 provide the inspection details for the repetitive on-wing eddy current inspections. SB effectivity is dependent upon TRF part number. AD is applicable only to part numbers in SB 72-0579 .
CFM International SA Type/Model designation(s) : CFM56-7B turbofan engines TCDS Number : EASA.E.004 Foreign AD : Not applicable Supersedure : None ATA 05 Time Limits – Low Pressure Turbine Rear Frame – Life Limit / Mandatory …
Airworthiness Directives; CFM International S.A. Turbofan Engines
2015年10月2日 · We propose to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain CFM International S.A. (CFM) CFM56-5B series turbofan engines. This proposed AD was prompted by a corrected lifing analysis by the engine manufacturer that shows the need to identify an initial and repetitive inspection threshold...
Airworthiness Directives; CFM International, S.A. CFM56-7B Series ...
2007年4月23日 · The FAA proposes to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for CFM International, S.A. CFM56-7B Series Turbofan Engines. This proposed AD would require revising the Airworthiness Limitations Section (ALS) in the Engine Shop Manual (ESM) and the air carrier's approved continuous airworthiness...
CFM SB’s 72-0568 and 72-0579 provide the inspection details for the repetitive on-wing eddy current inspections. SB effectivity is dependent upon TRF part number. AD is applicable only to part numbers in SB 72-0579 . What does it look like when we scan across the weld? Rejectable signal = 1.5 divisions. Houston, we have a problem!
856A2692 CFM56-5B/-7B Kit, Eddy Current Inspection - TRF - AGSE
We have the right tool for any job, and as licensed manufacturers for both MRO and LEAP tooling, we are equipped to meet all of your tooling needs. OEM Part NO. WHY CHOOSE US?
航线车间发动机V2500-A5与CFM56-5B差异.ppt 113页 - 原创力文档
2019年9月18日 · V2500-A5与CFM56-5B差异 一、风扇包皮与C包皮 二、风扇 2500的风扇与CFM的有很大的差别,在以后我们的工作中如果不注意会带来很大的麻烦,要特别强调的是一些细节性的东西: 1、整个风扇叶片安装的地方只有保持环上有标识! 2、配平块安装在保持环与法兰盘相连的36颗螺杆以及整流锥跟保持环相连的18颗螺杆上! 3、风扇装在法兰盘中时候,靠榫头底部的两个减震垫垫高使之保持在紧密贴合的位置而不会摆动! 且叶片后部的减震垫比前面的 …
200904 V2500-A5与CFM56-5B差异 - 百度文库
1、整个风扇叶片安装的地方只有保持环上有标识! 2、配平块安装在保持环与法兰盘相连的36颗螺杆以及整流锥跟保持环相连的18 颗螺杆上! 3、风扇装在法兰盘中时候,靠榫头底部的两个减震垫垫高使之保持在紧密贴合 的位置而不会摆动! 且叶片后部的减震垫比前面的厚度要低,法兰盘的曹后 面也有一个减震垫,要注意检查是否掉落。 f回油滤压差传感器,12PSI时 触发,20PSI时 …
This Service Bulletin affects all Turbine Rear Frames (TRF) P/N 338-102-907-0 and 338-102-908-0 installed on CFM56-5B engine model. This Service Bulletin gives instructions for on wing or in shop inspection of the TRF struts in order to increase the life of the TRF. The three mount struts of the TRF have to be inspected. Refer to Figure 1.
CFM-56 Gen Fam.pdf - PDFCOFFEE.COM
The Turbine Rear Frame (TRF) vibration sensor is installed at 12 o'clock on the front flange of the TRF. The TRF vibration sensor is used as back-up of N1 bearing accelerometer to monitor and, if necessary, reduce the engine vibration level using the trim balance procedure.