CFM International CFM56 - Wikipedia
With a thrust rating of between 31,200 and 34,000 lbf (139 kN and 151 kN), the CFM56-5C series is the most powerful of the CFM56 family. It powers Airbus' long-range A340-200 and -300 airliners, and entered service in 1993.
CFM56 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
一台悬挂于空中客车a340机翼下的cfm56-5c系列发动机,图示混合式尾喷管. cfm56-5c系列是cfm56家族中推力最大的型号,推力可达31,200至34,000磅(139至151千牛)。这一系列用于空中客车a340的早期型号a340-200和a340-300上,于1993年投入服务。
CFM56 - 百度百科
研究中的cfm56-5cx将装备a340-400x,其核心机为cfm56-5c4的,采用宽弦风扇和一些新材料与新技术,使之能够替代较大的 涵道风扇 发动机(cfmim109/m110)和 ge90 的缩型(cfmi ge45)。
2018年1月27日 · CFM56-5系列是为欧洲空中客车公司的 A320、A319、A321和 A340客机发展的。 目前,在-5系列中,已发展了-5A、-5C、-5B (按定型时间顺序排列)三种型别。 与-3系列不同的是,-5系列中风扇直径均大于-3系列的,-5A、-5B的风扇直径同于-2系列,-5C的风扇直径最大。 另外,压气机前支点由单一的滚珠轴承改为滚珠、滚棒两轴承并列的设计。 5C型中还采用了长管道混合流 (LDMF)设计,即外涵空气通过涡轮后的混合器流入内涵燃气流中,两者混合后再由一个总的尾喷 …
CFM56 - CFM International Jet Engines
The CFM56 engine set the industry standard for single-aisle commercial jet engines that holds today. Owing its success to its exceptional reliability and performance, CFM56 was built on over four decades of experience and technological excellence.
CFM56航空发动机 - 百度百科
CFM56-5C 是为 空中客车A340 四发远程 客机设计 的。 发动机核心机与CFM56-5B相同,低压部分同CFM56-5A1相比,风扇直径加大101.6mm,增压级增加1级,低压涡轮为5级,采用了长管道混排喷管和第二代 FADEC。 发动机耗油率 比CFM56-5A1降低约5%, 噪声比 联邦航空局 Ⅲ级要 …
Legacy Engines - CFM International
The CFM56-5C, the most powerful engine in the CFM56 family, is the propulsion system for the long-range Airbus A340-200 and A340-300 aircraft. Discover CFM's history, and the jet engines that paved the way for CFM's reputation as the world's leading supplier of …
The CFM56-5C series is at the highest thrust limit of the CFM56 family. Despite being noted for high EGT margin erosion, the engine still manages to achieve respectable on-wing intervals, and has few other removal drivers. Modifications should improve EGT margin retention and so reduce maintenance reserves. CFM56-5C maintenance cost analysis
商用航空中最受欢迎的发动机——CFM56 - 网易
2020年3月3日 · cfm56-5c系列是cfm56家族中推力最大的型号,推力可达31,200至34,000磅。 这一系列用于空中客车A340的早期型号A340-200和A340-300上,于1993年投入服务。 主要的变化是更大的风扇,第五级低压涡轮和CFM56-5B型号中的四级低压压气机。
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The CFM56-5B is the engine of choice for the A320ceo family, having been selected to power nearly 60 percent of the A318/A319/A320/A321 aircraft ordered. CFM has constantly invested in technology that enhance today’s CFM56-5B/3 PIP performance, providing operators with significant improvements in fuel consumption,