10 CFR Part 824 -- Procedural Rules for the Assessment of Civil ...
a. 10 CFR part 824 sets forth the procedures DOE will use in exercising its enforcement authority, including the issuance of notices of violation and the resolution of contested enforcement actions in the event a DOE contractor elects to adjudicate …
10 CFR Part 824 - LII / Legal Information Institute
eCFR :: 10 CFR Part 824 -- Procedural Rules for the Assessment of …
View the PDF for 10 CFR Part 824; These links go to the official, published CFR, which is updated annually. As a result, it may not include the most recent changes applied to the CFR. Learn more.
Federal Register :: Procedural Rules for the Assessment of Civil ...
2005年1月26日 · Consistent with the proposed rule, part 824 implements this authority by providing that the Secretary may issue a compliance order requiring a person to take corrective action if a person by act or omission causes, or creates a risk of, the loss, compromise or unauthorized disclosure of classified information even if that person has not ...
Pt. 824 10 CFR Ch. III (1–1–22 Edition) PART 824—PROCEDURAL RULES FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF CIVIL PENALTIES FOR CLASSIFIED IN-FORMATION SECURITY VIOLA-TIONS Sec. 824.1 Purpose and scope. 824.2 Applicability. 824.3 Definitions. 824.4 Civil penalties. 824.5 Investigations. 824.6 Preliminary notice of violation. 824.7 Final notice of violation.
Federal Register :: Procedural Rules for the Assessment of Civil ...
2005年2月23日 · The Department of Energy published a final rule on January 26, 2005, establishing 10 CFR Part 824 to implement section 234B of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954. This document corrects an inadvertent omission in one sentence of the final rule.
§824.2 Applicability. (a) General. These regulations apply to any person that has entered into a contract or agreement with DOE, or a subcontract or sub-agreement thereto. (b) Limitations. DOE may not assess any civil penalty against any entity (including subcontractors and suppliers thereto) specified at subsection d. of
10 CFR §824 Procedural Rules For The Assessment Of Civil …
part 824 - procedural rules for the assessment of civil penalties for classified information security violations . authority: 42 u.s.c. 2201, 2282b, 7101 et seq., 50 u.s.c. 2401 et seq.; 28 u.s.c. 2461 note.
10 CFR § 824.1 - LII / Legal Information Institute
Subsection a. provides that any person who has entered into a contract or agreement with the Department of Energy, or a subcontract or subagreement thereto, and who violates (or whose employee violates) any applicable rule, regulations in this chapter, or order under the Act relating to the security or safeguarding of Restricted Data or other cl...
eCFR :: 10 CFR 824.1 -- Purpose and scope.
Subsection a. provides that any person who has entered into a contract or agreement with the Department of Energy, or a subcontract or subagreement thereto, and who violates (or whose employee violates) any applicable rule, regulations in this chapter, or order under the Act relating to the security or safeguarding of Restricted Data or other cl...