Firestop Foam CFS-F FX FLEXIBLE FIRESTOP FOAM CFS-F FX Accessories Applications • Electrical: cable conduits, cables, cable bundles, cable trays and cable trunking • Mechanical: metal & plastic pipes, composite pipes, split AC unit piping • Mixed penetration seal • Repenetration with single cables • Approvals in combination with Hilti ...
CFS-F FX Flexible firestop foam - Sealants, sprays and coatings
Hilti Sealants, sprays and coatings - CFS-F FX Flexible firestop foam - Easy-to-install flexible firestop foam to help create a fire and smoke barrier around cable and mixed penetrations
1988年12月21日 · Hilti Firestop Foam CFS-F FX is a product to form a penetration seal used to reinstate the fire resistance performance of wall and floor constructions, where they have been provided with apertures for the penetration of services.
CFS-F FX 彈性防火泡沫 - 密封劑、噴霧劑和塗料 - Hilti Hong Kong
喜利得 密封劑、噴霧劑和塗料 - cfs-f fx 彈性防火泡沫 - 安裝容易的彈性防火泡沫,有助在電纜和混合穿透的周圍形成防火和防煙屏障
Sealants, sprays and coatings - Hilti United Kingdom
Find firestop sealants, sprays, foams and coatings, designed to enhance soundproofing and limit smoke spread in cable, pipe and mixed penetrations. Spend less time with long, complex firestop approvals and focus instead on completing projects more efficiently and confidently.
CFS-F FX / CP 660, A Safety Data Sheet according to the Hazardous Products Regulation (February 11, 2015) Date of issue: 03/07/2016 Revision date: 03/07/2016 Supersedes: 03/07/2016 Version: 5.1 03/05/2016 EN (English) 4/16 SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking 1.1.
Hilti CFS-F FX Flexible Firestop Foam is a self-expanding, intumescent, two-component polyurethane foam that is ideal for sealing medium-sized holes and irregularly shaped openings in walls and floors. Hilti CFS-F FX is designed as a one-step solution for sealing around cables, cable bundles and conduits with
CFS-F FX Flexible firestop foam - Sealants, Sprays and Coatings
Easy-to-install flexible firestop foam to help create a fire and smoke barrier around cable and mixed penetrations
CFS-F FX Flexible Firestop Foam | Hilti (Gt Britain) Ltd - NBS
Easy-to-install flexible firestop foam to help create a fire and smoke barrier around cable and mixed penetrations. Features and benefits: Foam can be easily shaped during the curing process. Neat and tidy application. Very quick and easy to install and provides a reliable firestop seal with only one product. Maintenance and retrofitting of ...
Hilti CFS-F FX Flexible Firestop Foam is a clean, reliable firestopping solution. It has clean installation with no need for formwork. It is very safe, quick and easy to install. It also has outstanding sound insulation properties thanks to the flexible foam structure. The information provided above does not constitute a guarantee of any kind.