2019年1月7日 · Male 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+ Female 17-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51+
PFT/CFT Calculator - Headquarters Marine Corps
This calculator complies with USMC Physical Fitness standards effective March 23, 2022.
PFT/CFT - United States Marine Corps
For decades, the Marine Corps has used crunches to train and assess core muscle strength and endurance. However, research has shown that crunches with the feet restrained require significant hip...
Marine Corps Combat Fitness Test (CFT) - Military.com
The Marine Corps' combat fitness test (CFT), taken every six months, is intended to keep Marines ready for the physical rigors of contemporary combat operations. Individual readiness will be ...
2019年1月7日 · Male MANUF Female MANUF 2:51 69 68 70 75 81 88 98 3:29 87 80 80 83 86 88 2:52 68 68 70 75 80 87 97 3:30 86 80 80 83 86 88 2:53 67 67 69 74 80 86 97 3:31 86 79 79 82 85 87 2:54 67 66 68 73 79 86 96 3:32 85 79 79 82 85 87 2:55 66 65 67 72 78 85 96 3:33 85 78 78 81 84 86 2:56 65 64 66 72 78 84 95 3:34 84 77 78 81 84 86
Marine CFT | Your Combat Fitness Test HQ
The purpose of the CFT is to assess a Marine’s physical capacity in a broad spectrum of combat related tasks. Basically the CFT exists to test how fit a Marine is. Through three events (Movement to Contact, Maneuver Under Fire, and Ammo Can Lift), a Marine’s combat fitness level is assigned a numerical value.
Marine Combat Fitness Test (CFT) : Standards & Scoring For 2022
2024年6月20日 · To ensure Marines are combat-ready at all times, it is necessary to complete a Marine CFT (Combat Fitness Test) on a regular basis. The Combat Fitness Test is a vital instrument used to evaluate Marines and their physical fitness. Also, the score is tied to a Marine’s promotion potential and has a lasting impact on a Marine’s career.
- 评论数: 39
USMC CFT Flashcards - Quizlet
3 天之前 · Identify Hazards, Assess Risks, Determine which risks are most important, Implement controls, Supervise. The Monitor is responsible for? Setting up events, scoring accuratley, using proper equipment, and ensuring proper uniform. Ensuring Proper …
CFT Flashcards - Quizlet
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like When is the CFT conducted, Who takes the CFT, What does the CFT do and more.
CFT Monitor Certification Flashcards - Quizlet
3 天之前 · When administering the CFT, the events must be executed in this order: 1. Movement to Contact (MTC) Event. 2. Ammunition Lift (AL) Event. 3. Maneuver Under Fire (MANUF) Event. MTC Simulates: 880-Yard run that simulates offensive operation of making contact, with the enemy on the battlefield. Goal of the MTC.