DuPont™ AmberChrom™ CG300M Chromatography Resin
DuPont™ AmberChrom™ CG300 chromatography resins are macroporous polymeric resins for reversed phase HPLC. These crosslinked DVB resins have a mean pore diameter of 300 Å as measured by N 2 BET and are ideally suited for peptides and oligonucleotides, as well as fermented products and natural extracts.
CG300 0 March2020 Downloaded from https://www.standardsforhighways.co.uk on 14-Mar-2025, CG 300 Version 0.1.0, published: 29-Apr-2021 6 CG300Version0.1.0 Foreword
Rigid, insoluble, and mechanically stable polymer. Chemical robustness to standard organic solvents and cleaning agents. Excellent alternative to reverse phase chromatography silica. Capture and purification of peptides (insulin, calcitonin). Solid phase extraction adsorbent for desalting and final polishing of oligonucleotides.
DuPont™ AmberChrom™ Profile™ CG300S HPLC column
DuPont™ AmberChrom™ CG300 chromatography resins are macroporous polymeric resins for reversed phase HPLC. These crosslinked DVB resins have a mean pore diameter of 300 Å as measured by N 2 BET and are ideally suited for peptides and oligonucleotides, as well as fermented products and natural extracts.
艾睿 天玑CG300C 制冷型气体红外热成像仪
采用制冷型红外探测器,可对远距离的微量气体泄漏进行可视化观测,能够快速定位泄漏源。cg300 可以检测 vocs、sf6 等气体,主要应用于石油、化工、天然气、电力等行业,在设备维护、排查隐患、事故预防、环境保护等方面发挥重要作用
【大恒DH-CG300】报价_参数_图片_论坛_(ZINO)大恒DH-CG300 …
Amberchrom™ CG300 Amberchrom™ CG300M, 50-100 μm | Sigma-Aldrich
Amberchrom ™ CG300 is macroporous polymeric adsorbent resin designed for use in capture and purification steps of downstream processing of synthetic oligonucleotides and polypeptides, such as insulin. It is the highest adsorbing resin for tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin (IL-8) and C3a against charcoal as reference.
大恒DH-CG300 - 百度百科
CG300 全自动生化分析仪-临床检验设备-仪器设备-生物在线
DH-CG300使用说明书 - 豆丁网
2015年3月20日 · 视频采集部分由两个DH-CG300单路模块组成 具有DH-CG300. 的所有图像采集功能 输入信号相当于DH-CG300的视频输入源. 路 视频压缩部分由两个DH-MPEG-V单路输入模块组成 具有