The Families | GTA Wiki - Fandom
The Families are a large African American street gang in Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online. They are based around the areas of South Los Santos. The Families have …
Chamberlain Gangster Families | GTA Wiki | Fandom
The Chamberlain Gangster Families (CGF) are a street gang in Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online, originally formed in Chamberlain Hills from The Families gang. They are …
The Families - Grand Theft Wiki, the GTA wiki
The Families are an African-American street gang based in Chamberlain Hills and Strawberry, Los Santos featured in Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online. The gang is involved …
The Families | GTAgangland Wiki | Fandom
The Families is a large African-American street gang in Grand Theft Auto V. The Families have territory in whole Chamberlain Hills and Strawberry. They hold a bitter rivalry with the Ballas …
The Chamberlain Gangster Families History | GTA V's Main Gang
The Chamberlain Gangster Families (CGF) are a street gang in Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online, originally formed in Chamberlain Hills from The ...
The Families | GTA 5 Gangs & Factions Guide - GTA Base
The Families are a large African American street gang, featured both in the Story Mode and Online versions of GTA V They mainly operate around South Los Santos, dealing with drugs, …
Is CGF what’s left of the grove street gang? : r/GrandTheftAutoV - Reddit
Jul 17, 2023 · Was playing GTA 5 and was wondering if CGF has any relations to the OG grove street gang and rebranded after the loss of actual grove street or if I’m just thinking too deep …
Stretch | GTA Wiki | Fandom
Harold Joseph, better known as "Stretch", is a main character appearing and the tertiary antagonist of Grand Theft Auto V. He was a senior member of the Chamberlain Gangster …
What is CGF? - Grand Theft Auto V - GameFAQs
1 Elite, 2 Elite, Red Elite, Blue Elite----If Dr. Suess was still alive. They seem to wear green, and their rivals are the Ballas. I'm guessing they're what Grove Street Families evolved into....
《GTA5》帮派资料大全 全帮派成员简单介绍 - replays.net
Nov 20, 2017 · 拉玛、富兰克林、史崔奇是血盟最大的分支张伯伦帮的成员,拉玛和史崔奇在和巴勒帮火拼时会高呼:CGF for Life (张伯伦一生),这也说明血盟各分支之间的不团结,因为巴 …