Comparative genomic hybridization - Wikipedia
Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) is a molecular cytogenetic method for analysing copy number variations (CNVs) relative to ploidy level in the DNA of a test sample compared to a reference sample, without the need for culturing cells.
Comparative Genomic Hybridization - ScienceDirect Topics
Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) is a cytogenetic assay that can detect losses and gains of genomic material and map them to specific chromosomes. 124 CGH utilizes differential labeling of genomic DNA extracted from fresh or formalin-fixed tumor and normal tissue (usually peripheral blood leukocytes) with fluorochromes, followed by co ...
Comparative genomic hybridization: an overview - PubMed
Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) is a newly described molecular-cytogenetic assay that globally assays for chromosomal gains and losses in a genomic complement. In this assay, normal human metaphase chromosomes are competitively hybridized with two differentially labeled genomic DNAs (test an …
具有挑戰性的樣本的陣列 CGH 分析 - MilliporeSigma
安捷倫人類基因組 CGH 44B 微陣列的 8 號染色體在人類結腸癌細胞株 HT29 與正常女性中的 CGH 分析觀點. 由完整 HT29 DNA(A)和經音波處理(90 秒)的 HT29 DNA(B)產生的 WGA 結果顯示,8p 臂上有相同的已知缺失(水平移動到零線左側),8q 臂上的 8q23.3-24.23 區域有擴增(水平移動到零線右側),8q23.1 有一個病灶缺失(水平移動到零線左側,用藍色虛線框勾出)。 對應的放大基因視圖來自完整 DNA (C) 和片段 DNA (D),聚焦於 Chr8 q22.2-23.1,顯示一個明 …
基因组学分析的解决方案——比较基因组杂交(CGH) - 知乎
aCGH,即基于阵列的比较基因组杂交技术(array-based Comparative Genomic Hybridization),是检测与染色体异常相关的DNA拷贝数增加和减少的有力工具。 使用阵列CGH检测染色体畸变,比FISH和G-banding karyotype等技术检测的速度更快,而且检测结果更佳、更可靠,从而能够帮助 ...
Microarray-based Comparative Genomic Hybridization (aCGH)
First developed to detect copy number changes in solid tumors, CGH uses two genomes, a test and a control, which are differentially labeled and competitively hybridized to metaphase chromosomes.
Comparative genomic hybridisation. - PubMed Central (PMC)
Comparative genomic hybridisation (CGH) is a technique that permits the detection of chromosomal copy number changes without the need for cell culturing. It provides a global overview of chromosomal gains and losses throughout the whole genome of a tumour.
Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization - ScienceDirect
Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) allows the assessment of structural rearrangements in the cell, without the need for culturing cells. Briefly, differentially labeled tumor and genomic DNA are cohybridized to normal human metaphase chromosomes. Each DNA sample was labeled with different fluorescent molecules of different colors.
Comparative Genomic Hybridization (CGH) in Genotoxicology
Conventional and array CGH investigate DNA expression patterns, copy-number variations across the whole genome, and loss of heterozygosity after genotoxic damage. Array CGH is still cost-intensive but produces exponentially more data, requiring suitable analytical algorithms and sophisticated bioinformatic analysis.
微阵列比较基因组杂化 (comparative genomic hybridization, CGH)技术是用于发现DNA拷贝数变异的重要技术. 本文根据DNA片段间的距离及测试样本与参考样本之间的荧光强度比, 将微阵列实验的分辨率特征作为先验信息, 建立用于分析微阵列CGH数据的贝叶斯隐马尔可夫模型.为解决基因数据变量多、抽样收敛速度慢的问题, 本文将 向前向后Gibbs算法应用到模型参数的马尔可夫链蒙特卡罗抽样估计中, 以加快收敛.在对多形性胶质母细胞瘤基 因数据分析中, 本文方法能有效识别 …