CGH testing of embryos? — The Bump
2012年11月2日 · Hello ladies, I would love some input from anyone who has experience with CGH or genetic testing of embryos. My Dr.
PSA: CGH Testing.... — The Bump
I've had a few questions on CGH testing, so I thought I'd just share here exactly what it is.
Did you have PGD testing done on embryos? — The Bump
We did IVF with a-cgh testing. I have a Balanced Translocation. We have our DD from IVF w/ PGD and we're 6w PG with #2. It was the best thing that has happened to us. We tried for …
PGD/ CGH testing — The Bump
Is there any reason to do either of these DH and I don't have any known genetic conditions or history in our family?
did you opt for microarray testing? - The Bump
2010年6月1日 · Really, prenatal testing is really only useful if you may want to terminate a pregnancy or you find that your baby has a syndrome that is incompatible with life- like …
NMscuba & others who've done CGH — The Bump
2015年12月11日 · We're planning on doing CGH this cycle if we have ~3-4 embies or more on day 5.
Did anyone here do PGD or CGH w/ ivf? — The Bump
Hi Ladies, just visiting from IF and TTCAL - My husband and I had one natural and sucessful pregnancy and then numerous early losses. We are getting ready to do our first IVF cycle per …
Anyone have a CGH test done on their embryos? — The Bump
2011年11月25日 · It is supposed to test for more chromosomes than the PGD. I was wondering if anyone had success with it.
Questions about PGD testing (SAIFW) — The Bump
Would you please help me understand the process of PGD testing.
CCS/PGD ladies - Did you have to do all the same testing?
2014年6月5日 · We have our first Ob/Gyn appt next week (assuming all is well at tomorrow's u/s) and I'd love some input for what other Ob/Gyns say on this topic.