China Green Product (CGP) - CERTRIP China's product …
CGP label is necessary to gain bidding advantages for enterprises to participate in major projects/government investment projects. As a national promoted voluntary certification, CGP label is an important symbol for enterprises to show their achievements on green development and corporate social responsibility.
CERTRIP - China's product environmental compliance requirements
CEL is a compulsory registration and labelling requirement for certain energy-related products to sell or export to China’s market. CGP is a national-promoted voluntary, unified scheme for the certification and labelling of green products in China.
绿色产品与标识认证信息平台 - chinagreenproduct.cn
中国绿色产品认证与标识体系建设成果 2023.09.15 ; 2023年度“绿色产品认证与标识宣传周”科普视频 2023.09.15 ; 市场监管总局认证监管司关于线上举办全国“质量认证系列宣传体验周活动”启动仪式的通知 2023.09.13 ; 全国“绿色产品认证与标识宣传周”活动宣传海报 2023.09.11
申请认证的所有产品和生产场所。对于与绿色产品认证相关,但处于生产企业实际生产场所以外的其他场所和部门,可视情况选择适当的检查方案,包括采信企�. 与备案产品关键原材料的一致性。 初始工厂检查时,应对全�. 品质属性指标方面的符合性情况。认证机构应在生产现场对其实际内控运行情况,包括涉及的文件、记录、实物、人员、设备、环境、法律法规、管理制度、保障措施等进行�. 查,确认与提交申请文件的一致性。如对于污染物排放,可重点核查生产现场的污染物排放状 …
CGP Labels| Manufactured in North Carolina
CGP labels is a major manufacturer of print packaging with combined technology with the new emerging technology associated with "RFID" (Radio Frequency Identification). This technology is used in the supply chain and manufacturing sector at the present time and is moving very rapidly to all retail and inventory.
UL成为第一家获得中国绿色产品认证(CGP)发证资质的外资认证机构 …
2021年2月10日 · 国家认监委正式批准UL美华认证有限公司“中国绿色产品认证”(CGP)认证机构资质,由此UL美华成为国内第一家获得该资质的外资认证机构。 北京2021年2月10日 /美通社/ -- 国家认监委正式批准UL美华认证有限公司(以下简称:UL美华)“中国绿色产品认证”(CGP)认证机构资质,由此UL美华成为国内第一家获得该资质的外资认证机构。 目前, UL美华的中国绿色产品认证(CGP)发证资质 主要覆盖 2大类:涂料、人造板和木质地板。 在此基础上,UL美华 …
Gastbeitrag im econet monitor zum "China Green Product"-Label …
2019年5月6日 · Das neue staatliche „China Green Product“-Label (CGP) soll Abhilfe schaffen, in dem es umweltfreundliche Alternativen innerhalb einer Vielzahl von Produktgruppen auszeichnet. Dazu zählen etwa Lebensmittel, Möbel oder Baustoffe.
UL Becomes the First Foreign-funded Certification Body Qualified …
2021年3月1日 · CGP and UL ECOLOGO® are Type-1 eco-labels that evaluate multi-attribute environmental performance criteria based on a product’s lifecycle impact. Enterprises that sell in national and international markets can pursue dual certification to CGP and UL ECOLOGO.
SML Group Buys CGP Labels - RFID JOURNAL
2012年7月31日 · Global apparel branding and packaging company SML Group has acquired U.S. label manufacturer CGP Labels, enabling the Hong Kong-based firm to meet the growing need for item-level RFID tags in the retail sector.
Controlled goods: Examining, possessing or transferring
Find out how to comply with controlled goods regulations in Canada. Proudly delivering security services since 1941. Find the list of controlled goods administered by the Controlled Goods Program, how they are regulated and what this means for you. Find out if and how you need to register in the Controlled Goods Program.