CGX/BMD variant 13 is a low to medium risk, high cost, and very high effectiveness alternative on the non-dominated frontier. CGX/BMD will address the need for a new Aegis-type ship with more capable core systems and modular systems similar to DDG-1000, with particular emphasis on providing robust ICBM defense.
CGX/BMD variant 13 is a low to medium risk, high cost, and very high effectiveness alternative on the non-dominated frontier. CGX/BMD will address the need for a new Aegis-type ship with more capable core systems and modular systems similar to DDG-1000, with particular emphasis on providing robust ICBM defense.
It examines a range of power and propulsion alternatives using operational profiles and requirements similar to the APS in a notional MSC (CGXBMD). The automated process and tools presented in this paper provide a rational and thorough method to search a design space for non-dominated concepts.
CG(X) Next Generation Cruiser / Advanced Cruiser - GlobalSecurity.org
2014年7月7日 · A scalable radar design with major improvements in power, sensitivity, resistance to natural and man-made environments over current radar systems is needed for multi-mission TAMD (BMD and Area...
Design Report - Ballistic Missile Defense Cruiser - Docsity
2009年2月13日 · CGX/BMD variant 13 is a low to medium risk, high cost, and very high effectiveness alternative on the non-dominated frontier. CGX/BMD will address the need for a …
CGX/BMD Design - Yumpu
05.11.2014 • Views . CGX/BMD Design – VT Team 2 Page 8 2 Mission Definition The CGX/BMD requirement is based on the CGX/BMD Initial Capabilities Document (ICD), and Design – VT Team 2 Page 8 2 Mission Definition The CGX/BMD requirement is based on the CGX/BMD Initial Capabilities Document (ICD), and
最强宙斯盾之眼——SPY6雷达性能小探 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
其实,早在上个世纪90年代,美帝就有研发新世代巡洋舰(CGX)的打算(那个时候TG还是弟中弟,和TG的威胁没啥关系),在该计划中,为了强大BMD(防空反导)设计的新型双波段相控阵雷达被提出,然而由于种种原因,该CGX项目黄了。 (其中发展始末等故事可参阅张明德的《新世代宙斯盾舰完全解析》,这里不赘述)最强CGX黄了,但是威胁和需求还在啊,那就只能继续改伯克呗。 于是在伯克Flight3的改进计划中,美帝打算给它换装宙斯盾的新眼, AMDR 雷达。 …
Ballistic missile defense (BMD) CG(X) must reduce crew size, operational, and support costs to meet current naval requirements. Producibility cost reduction should be included when CG(X) propulsion and hull are similar to current DD(X)’s
CG(X) Next Generation Cruiser - GlobalSecurity.org
2014年7月7日 · Northrop Grumman plans to "cold launch" KEI from special KEI cells, intalled at an angle inside the CG (X) to reduces the hull depth and height requirements for the launching ship. CG (X) will add...
CGXmod will be the first platform specifically designed to counter the threat of Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) and will be expected to operate in forward positions over the horizon from observers in an effort to evade detection and targeting.