Charles Lightoller - Wikipedia
Commander Charles Herbert Lightoller, DSC & Bar, RD, RNR (30 March 1874 – 8 December 1952) was a British mariner and naval officer who was the second officer on board the RMS Titanic.
查爾斯·萊托勒 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
查爾斯·赫伯特·萊托勒 (英語: Charles Herbert Lightoller, DSC, Bar (英语:Medal bar), RD,1874年3月30日—1952年12月8日)是 英國皇家郵輪 鐵達尼號 二副 和 皇家海軍後備隊 中校,他是 鐵達尼號沉沒事故 後級別最高的生還船員。 作為負責將 左舷 乘客裝入 救生艇 的 船副,萊托勒不僅嚴格執行「女人和小孩優先」原則,他還有效的將其擴展解釋為「僅限女人和小孩」。 根據這一原則,如果沒有女人或小孩等候撤離,萊托勒就會降下帶著空座位的救生艇 [2]。 眾所 …
查爾斯·萊托勒 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
查爾斯·赫伯特·萊托勒(英語: Charles Herbert Lightoller ,DSC, Bar ( 英語 : Medal bar ) ,RD,1874年3月30日—1952年12月8日)是英國皇家郵輪 鐵達尼號 二副和皇家海軍後備隊 中校,他是鐵達尼號沉沒事故後級別最高的生還船員。
Charles Herbert Lightoller : Titanic Second Officer - Encyclopedia Titanica
Mr Charles Herbert Lightoller was born in Chorley, Lancashire, on 30 March 1874. In February 1888, at the age of 13, he began a four-year sea-going apprenticeship, making his first trip aboard the Primrose Hill, a steel-hulled, four-masted barque of …
查尔斯·莱托勒 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
查尔斯·赫伯特·莱托勒 (英语: Charles Herbert Lightoller, DSC, Bar (英语:Medal bar), RD,1874年3月30日—1952年12月8日)是 英国皇家邮轮 铁达尼号 二副 和 皇家海军后备队 中校,他是 铁达尼号沉没事故 后级别最高的生还船员。 作为负责将 左舷 乘客装入 救生艇 的 船副,莱托勒不仅严格执行“ 女人和小孩优先 ”原则,他还有效的将其扩展解释为“仅限女人和小孩”。 根据这一原则,如果没有女人或小孩等候撤离,莱托勒就会降下带著空座位的救生艇 [2]。 众所周 …
The life of Charles Herbert Lightoller - Encyclopedia Titanica
Charles Herbert Lightoller, Titanic’s Second Officer, was a British mariner with a storied career and a complex personal life. Having survived numerous challenges at sea, including the Titanic disaster and both World Wars, Lightoller became a notable figure for his role in the Titanic evacuation and later heroism during the Dunkirk evacuation ...
查尔斯·莱托勒 - 百度百科
查尔斯·莱托勒78年的人生中,他与大海相伴将近60年,亲历2次世界大战、4次海难,以及无数次惊心动魄的冒险航程,但若说最为刻骨铭心的记忆,依然是“泰坦尼克”号海难和敦刻尔克大撤退。 或许分别经历过二者的人,更可体会生命本身之脆弱不堪,及求生意志之坚不可摧。 (凤凰网评价) [2] 查尔斯·莱托勒,英国海员。 曾任泰坦尼克号二副、英国海军“加里”号驱逐舰舰长。 1940年开着他的游艇“流浪者”号,投身营救敦刻尔克被围英军的救援行动。 1952年12月8日,因心脏衰 …
The Incredible Story of Charles Lightoller: the "Titanic" Officer who ...
And one man who proved more able than most was Charles Herbert Lightoller (1874 – 1952). Serving as the second officer aboard the ill-fated RMS Titanic, the 38-year-old was already a seasoned veteran by the time of the disaster, just short of midnight on April 14, 1912.
The Remarkable Story of Commander Charles Lightoller DSC
2023年2月28日 · This event of valiantly rescuing 130 personnel from the beaches of Dunkirk, under almost constant fire, marked the final chapter in the sea-going career of a truly remarkable mariner. Lightoller, somewhat an unrecognised hero, clearly was highly courageous and extremely physically tough.
Charles Herbert Lightoller | Titanic Wiki | Fandom
Commander Charles Herbert Lightoller was the Second Officer on board the RMS Titanic, and the most senior officer to survive the disaster. Lightoller was decorated for gallantry as a naval officer in World War I and later, in retirement, further distinguished himself in World War II by providing...