Methane - NIST Chemistry WebBook
All mass spectra in this site (plus many more) are available from the NIST/EPA/NIH Mass Spectral Library. Please see the following for information about the library and its accompanying search program. Go To: Top, Mass spectrum (electron ionization), Notes. Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A.
利用MS模拟天然气(甲烷)在多孔介质中的吸附 - 知乎
CH4:打开建立的Project,从菜单栏中选择 File|Import... 点击 Import 按钮打开 Import Document 对话框,选择Structures/organics 然后选择 methane.msi,最后点击 Open 按钮。 石英: 右键后点击Import,然后选择Structure,进入metal-oxides文件夹;在metal-oxides文件夹中找到并打开SiO2_quartz.msi文件. 得到石英原胞如图所示, 具有原胞后可对结构进行超胞化和截面,如图点击Build—Symmetry—Supercell: 弹出Supercell设置会话框,根据需要自行设置三个方向大小, …
利用MS模拟天然气(甲烷)在多孔介质中的吸附 - CSDN博客
METHANE Mass Spectrum - MassBank
This MassBank Record with Accession MSBNK-Fac_Eng_Univ_Tokyo-JP001582 contains the MS mass spectrum of 'METHANE' with the InChIKey 'VNWKTOKETHGBQD-UHFFFAOYSA-N'.
CH4在MOF-5中的自扩散系数计算 - 分子模拟 - MS - 小木虫论坛
2024年7月21日 · 这个帖子主要是讲自扩散系数的MS操作,主要涉及forcite模块、adsorption locator模块。 限于知识和硬件水平,帖子内计算得到的自扩散系数无参考意义。 帖子最后我会单独写写自己关于提高结果准确性的理解。
3. CH4.的建立 - 哔哩哔哩
在使用MATERIAL STUDIO进行CO2和CH4气体吸附模拟时,如何通 …
2024年11月17日 · 为了从热力学角度揭示co2和ch4在煤上的竞争吸附实质,为驱替理论提供热力学参考,利用高压气体吸脱附-微量热联用仪,通过容量法测定30℃,40℃,50℃温度下co2和ch4在煤上的吸附等温线,同时计算等量吸附热和极限吸附热,并...
Validation of methane measurement using headspace-GC-MS and …
This method allows precise measurement of CH4 concentrations in gaseous sample as well as in a solid or a liquid sample after a thermodesorption step in a headspace vial. A full accuracy profile validation of this method is then presented.
Methane - NIST Chemistry WebBook
Quantity Value Units Method Reference Comment; Δ r H°-274.5 ± 2.2: kJ/mol: RSC: Holm, 1981: solvent: Diethyl ether; The enthalpy of formation was calculated using the assumptions and the auxiliary data in Holm, 1981, except for the organic compound, whose enthalpy of formation was quoted from Pedley, 1994; MS
Methane - Dynamic and Kinematic Viscosity vs. Temperature and …
Online calculator, figures and tables showing dynamic and kinematic viscosity of methane, CH 4, at varying temperature and pressure - Imperial and SI Units. The viscosity of a fluid is a measure of its resistance to gradual deformation by shear stress or tensile stress .