Role of low-density lipoprotein in mediating the effect of air ...
PM2.5, PM10, and NOx share direct causal associations with CHD, and LDL performs a mediating role in this pathogenic process. Early prevention against air pollution (such as increasing green areas and reducing large-scale industrial dust emissions) and early lipid-lowering treatment can effectively …
Enhanced NOX-2 derived oxidative stress in offspring of patients …
2019年10月15日 · Nox-2 is determinant for oxidative stress and platelet activation in offspring of patients with early myocardial infarction. Offspring of patients with early myocardial infarction have a higher risk to develop cardiovascular events; the underlying physiopathology is still unclear.
Clinical Significance of HSCARG for Atherosclerotic Coronary Heart ...
NOX is the main source of reactive oxygen in blood vessels, which has also been confirmed as an important source of reactive oxygen in the progress of CHD. p47phox regulates the activation of NOX, thereby generating a large amount of ROS .
船舶柴油机NO<sub><i>x</i></sub>比排放计算方法 - chd.edu.cn
摘要: 为了提高船舶柴油机排气流量计算精度, 利用柴油机不完全燃烧化学反应方程及元素质量平衡关系, 推导出一种新的排气流量NO x 比排放计算方法, 不需要计算CO 2 的浓度参数, 避免排放量的迭代计算。 为适应NO x 排放实船测试的特点和要求, 探讨了基于该方法的近似计算方法和排气浓度简化测试方案。 新方法比简单碳平衡法排气流量计算精度高1.1%~1.5%, NO x...
光盘游戏镜像大杀器——CHD格式介绍 - 哔 ... - 哔哩哔哩
CHD的全名是Compressed Hunks of Data,最初是MAME用来无损压缩LD、光盘和硬盘镜像的格式,从2018年起,RetroArch的3DO、PCE-CD、MD-CD、NEOGEO CD、PS1、SS、DC等大部分光盘主机的模拟器核心都陆续支持了这种无所压缩格式。 这种格式压缩效果非常好,压缩得到的文件比RAR和ZIP格式还要小,和7Z差不多大。 那么究竟有多好呢? 我们来看几个例子。 首先拿PS上的放浪冒险谭举例,放浪冒险谭的日版REDUMP版镜像ZIP包的大小是111.39MB,解压 …
Impact of reversible myocardial ischaemia on nitric oxide and ...
Results: A significant increase of NOx was observed in men (P<.05) and patients with stable WMS (P<.01), as well as its decrease in patients with increased WMS, whereas ADMA significantly increased in both sexes (P<.001 and P<.01 in men and women, respectively), independently of CHD risk (P<.05 and P <.001 in 1-2 RF and > or =3 RF groups ...
Mame CHD's - Noobs - LaunchBox Community Forums
2018年6月3日 · Get the mame rom set, find out which games you want to play that need a CHD file that works and just get the CHD file for those games. For example I have about 900 games in my set-up. Only 21 of them are games that need a CHD.
Decreased platelet nitric oxide synthase activity and plasma nitric ...
2004年7月15日 · Plasma NO metabolite (NOx) levels were analyzed by chemiluminescence. Platelet endothelial NO synthase (eNOS) activity was examined through the conversion of l-[(14)C]arginine to l-[(14)C]citrulline. Results: The levels of both plasma NOx and platelet eNOS activity were significantly lower in subjects with MD compared with HCs.
stress in atherogenesis and NADPH oxidase-2 (NOX-2) is considered a major source of O2– in human. Further-more, oxidative stress regulates arachidonic acid metabolism via activation of platelet phospholipase-A2. The aim of this study was to address NOX-2 activity as well as serum thromboxane B2 (TXB2) and 8-isoPGF2-
1,4-环己二烯(CHD) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
近期文献 (双(二甲基氨基)咔唑)被用作光催化剂,在室温下以chd为氢原子供体,对未活化的芳基氯化物和烷基氯化物进行还原。 该催化体系也可用…