CELLULLE INTERVENTION APO33/cia/doku.php?id=start
La Cellule d'Intervention d'Apo33 est un agencement modulaire, extension d'apo33 qui réunit des créateurs locaux et internationaux sous la forme de groupes d'actions ponctuels. La CIA se …
On the second day of the workshop, the action of the TV and radio transmitters generated a maelström of forces in the bunker, as the specters of sounds, images and waves overwhelmed …
mobile radiophonique device - cia/apo33 (2001 - 2006) digitalliveradiosession - dlrs - (2001 - 2003) ... connect a stream as minimum 128kb/s to apo33 streaming server, transmitting the …
Audioblast Catalogue 2020 : Apo33 : Free Download, Borrow, and ...
2022年2月22日 · Festival of sound creation and radio art using the network as a place of diffusion, it consists of many audio practices in network, experimental music, drone, noise, field …
Audioblast 9 Exhibition : Apo33 : Free Download, Borrow, and …
2021年2月20日 · Festival of sound creation using the network as a live venue, Audioblast broadcasts numerous networked audio practices including; experimental music, drone,...
APO33 - HackerspaceWiki
APO33 research practices cross philosophy, poetry, visual, sonic art and anything else that may arrive through collaborative working. APO33 operates across networked and physical spaces …
We are the Nation's first line of defense - CIA
As the world’s premier foreign intelligence agency, the work we do at CIA is vital to U.S. national security. We collect and analyze foreign intelligence and conduct covert action. U.S. …
中央情报局 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
奥巴马總統時期CIA的無人機暗殺活動達到前任八倍,授權中情局展开“特征空袭作戰”(signature strikes),根据行为模式与人際关系推論來攻击未完全确认身份的“恐怖分子” [12] 。
Paramilitary Operations Officer : 隶属的cia的准部队. Specialized Skills Officer : 查漏补缺的,做细节工作的. 1949年,被浙江江山县公安机关逮捕。 1951年1月,江山县人民政府在戴笠老家 …
radio_communication_et_hyperarchitecture [POULPE] - apo33.org
La CIA (cellule artistique du collectif apo33) est née en juin 2002 à partir d'une invitation par le collectif la Valise pour une exposition dans les Jardins Familiaux de Malkoff (Nantes).