Central Intelligence Agency | GTA Wiki | Fandom
The Central Intelligence Agency, or CIA, is a U.S. government agency that appears in Grand Theft Auto III. The CIA makes their first appearance is in the mission Evidence Dash, where a CIA agent drives a bulletproof Bobcat. The CIA also monitors the Shoreside Lift Bridge when Ray Machowski tries...
Central Intelligence Agency - Grand Theft Wiki, the GTA wiki
In GTA III, their first appearance the CIA monitor the Shoreside Lift Bridge when Ray Machowski tries to flee the city by flight. They are also said to have an interest in the Cartel manufactured drug SPANK. Weapons include M-16s, and Micro-Uzis. They are portrayed as men with light skin, and dark clothes. These also appear as random pedestrians.
侠盗猎车手执法部门介绍(15)——中央情报局(3D世界观,发展 …
美国中央情报局(CIA Central Intelligence Agency),与苏联国家安全委员会、英国军情六处和以色列摩萨德,并称为“世界四大情报机构”。 CIA是美国主要的情报机构之一,主要任务是秘密收集关于国外政府、公司和个人在政治、文化、科技等方面的情报,协调其他国内情报机构的活动,并把这些情报报告分享到美国政府各个部门。 CIA也与美国军方合作,持有大量特殊用途的军事武器及设备(比如化学武器、生物武器、“洗脑”术研究),在冷战时期用于干扰社会主义阵营国 …
《GTA》系列执法力量小百科:国际情报局 - 哔哩哔哩
国际情报局(International Affairs Agency/IAA)是美国的主要情报机构之一,其在自由市(以联合纸业<United Liberty Paper/ULP>的伪装进行运作)和圣安地列斯州皆有活动。 国际情报局的原型来自美国中央情报局(Central Intelligence Agency/CIA)与美国国家安全局(National Security Agency/NSA)。 根据联邦调查局探员史蒂夫·海因斯的说法,国际情报局为了自己的利益严重腐败并挪用公共资金。 尽管这话出于与国际情报局暗地里敌对并且腐败程度有过之而无不及的联 …
International Affairs Agency | GTA Wiki | Fandom
The International Affairs Agency (IAA) is an intelligence agency featured in Grand Theft Auto IV (as the U.L. Paper), The Ballad of Gay Tony, Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online. The agency appears to be based on both the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency.
GNU-Pattor-Team/re3-3DS: re3 (GTA III / ViceCity) New 3DS port - GitHub
2022年12月18日 · There is no CIA version. GTA3 has reached a certain level of stability that it worth sharing, however consider this an alpha WIP. Vice City is also working, but has more serious bugs.
侠盗猎车手执法部门介绍(16)——国际事务局(HD世界观 2008
国际事务局(International Affairs Agency IAA)是一个臭名昭著的情报机构,该机构的所作所为和它的原型CIA几乎一致,包括秘密监视、搜集情报、武器的研究与试验等各类肮脏的勾当。
CIA | GTA 3 Gangs & Factions Guide - GTA Base
The CIA is a government organization featured in Grand Theft Auto III. Their first appearance is in the missions "Evidence Dash", where a CIA agent drives a bulletproof Bobcat. Members of the CIA can be seen wearing dark clothes and wielding M16s and Uzis.
IAA | 侠盗猎车手Wiki | Fandom
IAA (全称: The International Affairs Agency,国际情报局)是在《侠盗猎车手IV》(负责人是U.L. Paper)和《侠盗猎车手V》中出场过的情报部门。 尽管我们的预算有点困窘,但是大家可以放心,因为整个系统的运作相当完善。 大家的生命财产都非常安全。 IAA的原型是 中央情报局 和 美国国家安全局。 根据 史提夫·海因斯 的说法,IAA道德严重败坏,为了继续拿到资金不惜威胁公众安全。 —— 在任务 突袭人道实验室 的尾声中,探员 凯伦 提及IAA会通过设陷阱、引诱或 …
Central Intelligence Agency EUP Pack - GTA5-Mods.com
2017年7月20日 · The Central Intelligence Agency is a foreign intelligence service of the US federal government, tasked with gathering, processing, and analyzing national security information from around the world.