When would the CIAs SAD/SOG be used over conventional SOF?
2023年9月25日 · The CIA/DoD labeled the Op “CIA led” but this has been debated as not actually making it title 50 legal, because the SEALs were still active duty US military members, not CIA members. It has been argued that this was the peak of the blurring between title 10 and title 50 that was occurring throughout the GWOT.
Best JSOC / CIA SAD / GRS films? : r/JSOCarchive - Reddit
If you're up for a cool scifi movie 'The Objective' " (2008) is about a military special operations team, led by a CIA case officer, are on a mission in the harsh and hostile terrain of Afghanistan where they find themselves in a Middle Eastern "Bermuda Triangle" of ancient evil." Very good Unit, tactics, kit.
CIA SAD : r/JSOCarchive - Reddit
2021年11月4日 · There are only four (4) CIA PMOOs (Paramilitary Operations Officers) in this photo. The rest are either CIA case officers/medic or US Army SF detailed to the team. It's important to clarify that this is not a photo of eight Ground Branch paramilitary officers. They are on a CIA SAD mission but they are not all CIA SAD, only four are.
2022年4月21日 · Although CIA/SAD carry out Special Forces style of missions, their client is the CIA and not the DoD. They operate on a different Title (intelligence not war fighting). SAD has the authority to carry out covert action by Presidential finding. They also perform strategic intelligence for the CIA. SOCOM is a military combatant command.
CIA SAD/SOG Photos : r/JSOCarchive - Reddit
2022年10月5日 · 25K subscribers in the JSOCarchive community. A Subreddit Dedicated to American Special Mission Units and Tier 1 Units
[Loadout] C.I.A SAD/SOG Black Ops : r/airsoft - Reddit
2014年10月5日 · Hey, all! I wanted to share my 'black ops' loadout with you. I was inspired primarily by a 1:6 scale action figure made by Soldier Story - specifically their CIA SAD/SOG Night Ops figure. To put my own spin on it, however, I decided to go with grey shirt and pants instead of black - both for visual interest/contrast and because straight black ...
Cia sad. : r/SpecOpsArchive - Reddit
2020年8月2日 · SAD agents are actual C.I.A officers, they're not contractors. They are C.I.A backbone and they are tasked to supervise real espionage stuff like political propaganda, counter insurgency, special surveillance and so on.
What does CIA SAD really do? : r/WarCollege - Reddit
Global Response Staff, part of SAD, they primarily guard CIA field officers. For instance, the 13 Hours story about stopping the attacks on the CIA station in Benghazi, those were GRS. They're also heavily involved in other sorts of things that don't make the news, as they're fully capable and expected to do Title 50 black ops, that are fully ...
CIA SAD officer with Counter-Terrorism Pursuit Team in ... - Reddit
2016年9月9日 · In short, it was a joint CIA-US military-South Vietnamese program, but run primarily by the CIA, to root out and "neutralize" Vietcong agents and their support network in South Vietnam, using a combination of both military and intelligence tactics. Wikipedia has a …
Functional differences between CIA special activities and SMUs?
2022年3月26日 · I believe the CIA paramilitary mission statement is pretty close to what Army Special Forces do, only the CIA is operating at title 50, while the military is in the title 10 authority. There was a great team house podcast with a CIA dude “can’t remember his name” and they actually talk about the differences between what JSOC was designed ...