the difference between nbt and CIC | BimmerFest BMW Forum
Jan 14, 2018 · CIC is the name of the old BMW head unit (idrive) hardware. It also runs an older version of the idrive (software). NBT was "next big thing" and is a new(er) version of the idrive hardware, and runs a new(er) version of the software.
DIY BMW X5 E70 CIC Navigation HDD to SSD Upgrade
Dec 17, 2012 · 14 Put the new drive in your CIC and start it up. Navigation should be working but the music won't. 15 Telnet into the CIC using the D-Link and run mkqnx6fs /dev/hd0t77.4 . It will warn you about deleting data. 16 Run slay HmiMain to restart the CIC. Once it is up then go into CD and then using the CIC controller go right and delete music ...
CIC and Combox Retrofit and... Issues! - BimmerFest BMW Forum
Mar 26, 2022 · cic retrofit: step 6 - cic install prep & install This step involves tying (and tidying) up some wires, determining if you need a GPS cable, and installing the CIC unit. I have yet to upload the pictures, they are to follow and this was a placeholder to ensure nothing gets in before I …
how to activate a disabled FSC in CIC | BimmerFest BMW Forum
Dec 15, 2013 · I changed a CIC in F18,unfortunately,can not enter Navigation and Map(gray), then I got a fsc zip,here are some files below: SF00261_001B0001.der SF00261_001B0001.fsc SF00261_001B0001.xml SF00261_003A0005.fsc SF00261_003A0005.der SF00261_003A0005.xml SF00261_003A0005.pdf SF00261_00270001.der...
DIY BMW X5 E70 CIC Navigation HDD to SSD Upgrade
May 2, 2015 · I decided to create this DIY for anyone who wants do this project and turbo charge the CIC It's for BMW X5 E70 but it would work for other models as well What you need. 128GB ATA-6 / PATA SSD - I got ZHEINO SDD of eBay for $92 shipped; ATA-6 / PATA to USB adapter; hard drive clone software - I used Partition Hard Disk Manager 15
Map update method/procedure for CIC without CAN …
May 26, 2015 · 14. CIC notices the update data and asks if you want to start update. 15. Then CIC as usual asks for FSC code, and then i entered the FSC code generated from the 1B file (donor vin). 16. CIC accepts the FSC code since its using the donor VIN instead of CAR (CAS VIN). 17. CIC starts updating and asks for USB 2 and USB 3 when needed. NOTE!
F20 CIC navigation - change countries/area - BimmerFest BMW …
Sep 23, 2015 · 2. Flash HU_CIC using E-Sys (check HW-IDs from SVTactual after SVT Target calculation) 3. Replace Japanese HDD with a ECE image (google,image files available online) 4. Use SWTPatcher-v2 to activate FSCs 5. Use BMW-FSC-Generator_1_0_1_0 for map update code 6. Load 2018 AU/NZ Premium maps
e90 CCC and CIC to NBT retrofit DIY | BimmerFest BMW Forum
Sep 28, 2014 · CIC to NBT retrofit would be a subset of the CCC to NBT requirements. I have a 2006 E90 330i. For equipment relevant to the retrofit, my car was equipped with CCC /w voice control, telematics, Logic 7, heated seats, and ALU satin trim.
Import FSC&Cer to CIC on Exx - BimmerFest BMW Forum
May 25, 2014 · I checked logs and the implications seem to be some login username is needed in order to put CIC into write-mode. I've drawn a blank and now struggling to get ISTA/P working in VM because I've already bought 6NR FSC code and want to import it :-(Let me know if you get the CIC utility working as potentially that is more straightforward.
iDrive CIC software update? How? | BimmerFest BMW Forum
May 1, 2023 · I want to update the CIC software in my iDrive to whatever the latest version is (BMW 335i e93 convertible.) It’s several versions behind what I see in my 2012 X5 e70 (ie the ‘software update’ menu item that allows update via USB stick isn’t available). How do I …