CIH (computer virus) - Wikipedia
CIH, also known as Chernobyl or Spacefiller, is a Microsoft Windows 9x computer virus that first emerged in 1998. Its payload is highly destructive to vulnerable systems, overwriting critical information on infected system drives and, in some cases, destroying the system BIOS.
CIH病毒是一种能够破坏计算机系统硬件的恶性病毒。 这个病毒产自中国台湾,原集嘉通讯公司(技嘉子公司)手机研发中心主任工程师陈盈豪在其于台湾大同工学院念书期间制作。
CIH病毒 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
2024年6月18日 · CIH (英语又称为Chernobyl或Spacefiller)是一种 电脑病毒,其名称源自它的作者,当时仍然是 台湾 大同工学院(现 大同大学)学生 陈盈豪 的名字 拼音 或 注音 (C hen I ng- h au)缩写。
20 years ago today! What we can learn from the CIH virus…
2018年4月27日 · It was 20 years ago today… …as far as we can tell, anyway, that a Taiwanese university student called Chen Ing Hau set out to create a computer virus that would show the …
Win95/CIH threat description - Microsoft Security Intelligence
2005年7月26日 · Win95/CIH is a family of parasitic viruses that targets certain versions of Microsoft Windows. The virus infects certain types of executable files. Depending on the variant, on certain dates the virus overwrites the boot disk with random data and can also overwrite the Flash BIOS with random data.
Cih - The Virus Encyclopedia
The CIH virus, also known as Chernobyl or Spacefiller, was first discovered in 1998 June in Taiwan. According to the Taipei authorities, Chen Ing-hau wrote the CIH virus. The name of the virus derived from his initials. It did most of its damage within a few months of Explorezip and Melissa 's appearance.
CIH (computer virus) - AceArchive
2023年2月24日 · CIH, also known as Chernobyl or Spacefiller, is a computer virus that first emerged in 1998, created by Chen Ing-hau, a student at Tatung University in Taiwan. The virus is highly destructive to vulnerable systems, overwriting critical information on infected system drives and, in some cases, destroying the system BIOS.
GRC | CIH Virus Recovery
2004年6月25日 · The CIH virus attempts to ERASE the writable FLASH BIOS of infected PC's, and also overwrites the first 2,048 sectors (1,048,576 bytes) of all of the system's available non-removable writable disk drives! While this behavior places the CIH virus among the nastiest of all viruses, the damage is more recoverable than at first appears:
What is the Chernobyl virus? - TechTarget
The Chernobyl virus is a computer virus with a potentially devastating payload that destroys all computer data when an infected file is executed. Since many files are executed during computer use, the virus is able to spread quickly and infect those files.
Virus:DOS/CIH | F-Secure Labs
The CIH virus infects Windows 95 and 98 executable files (EXE files). After an infected EXE is executed, the virus will stay in memory and will infect other programs as they are accessed.